The story of SI9AM
The first QSO with the special callsign SI9AM was on July 16, 1999 at 17.00 UTC.
The offical opening of SI9AM was on July 19, 2000.
Here you can follow what has happened since the first QSO in 1999 and until we closed down the visitor station SI9AM in December 2020.
he text (1999 to May 2012) is from the website, which will be closed down in the summer 2021. However, some minor adjustments have been made of the original text.
Present during the meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars. SM3EAE/Lars and SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3XKW/Anders
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
On Friday evening SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen went to Utanede to prepare for the ARRL International DX Contest - CW.
On Saturday and Sunday SM3BQC/Arne joined the contest team
The propagations were very bad, but they managed to work 208 QSO's in the contest.
They also had the luck to work Ducie Island, VP6DX.
Present during the meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Sollefteå Radio Club: SM3GHE/Nils
From Ådalens Radio Amateurs: SM3XKW/Anders
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Next boarding meeting April 19, 2008 at SI9AM
The annual meeting this year took place at Restaurant Holmstagården.
SM3CVM/Lars, president of SI9AM, wished everyone welcome and presented the agenda and it that was accepted. To chairman for the annual meeting, we elected SM3CVM/Lars, to secretary we elected SM3ESX/Christer and we elected SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik and SM3FJF/Jörgen to sign the minutes. SM3LIV/Ulla presented the annual report for 2007. Then some elections for the new council was made and then the meeting was closed and SM3CVM/Lars thanked all who had come.
After the annual meeting we had a boarding meeting.
During the ham radio exhibition in Vårgårda, near Gothenburg, we show a computer presentation about SI9AM. We informed about the Visiting Amateur Radio Station in Utanede and handed over tourist information about Ragunda and the Thai Pavilion in Utanede.
The vice-president SM3FJF/Jörgen, the treasurer SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3WMU/Thomas represented us.
To the left you see SM3LIV/Ulla talking with SM5EUU/Kerstin about her latest visit at SI9AM. It was in August 2007 when SYLRA (Scandinavian YL Radio Amaturs) had their meeting in Östersund and made a full day sightseeing to SI9AM.
The weather forecast had promised us rain, but luckily, they had wrong.
This day we had a lot of work to do. The big project was to build a balcony.
And we should also work with the computers, put up new antennas and make some electricity work.
Present during the meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3DAL/Ove and SM3TIR/Sven
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
From Sollefteå Radio Club: SM3GHE/Nils
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
The weather
For a long time, it has been a extremely hot weather in Sweden. This day it had become colder but we were glad that it didn´t rain. It was about 11 degrees centigrade and cloudy when we, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla, went to Utanede to demonstrate Amateur Radio in the Thai Pavilion area.
"Indalsledensloppet 2008”
Every year there is a relay race along the river Indalsälven. One of changeover places was at Holmstagården. A music band was playing when the relay runner arrived.
“The White House”
We worked some QSOs from “the White House” and we had some visitors who asked a about our hobby.
Work with the computers
SM3CER/Janne and SM3VLC/Tomas worked with the computers.
This Saturday we continued the work we started on May 3, to build a balcony on Holmstagården.
At half past nine, there were seven radio amateurs from Sundsvall and Östersund in place, of course we began the day with coffee and sandwich.
At half past one, we all were invited to a wonderful lunch namely, "Rock'n rollplanka with Entrecote" and then coffee and small pastries.
It was no problem in continuing the work after this wonderful lunch. We were really lucky with the weather and at seven thirty in the evening the balcony was ready.
Totally we've spent 100 hours work with this balcony.
We welcome PE9PE/Rob who arrived to Midlanda Airport in Sundsvall on Friday evening. He was picked up by SM3CER/Janne and SM3FJF/Jörgen who took him by car to SI9AM in Utanede.
We hope that Rob will get a nice week with lot of QSO's.
This Saturday SM3CVM/Lars and SM3FVG/Holger were in the "White House", the building next to the Thai Pavilion. They showed Amateur Radio for the visitors in Thai Pavilion area who were interested in hearing more about our wonderful hobby - Amateur Radio.
Present during the meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3DAL/Ove, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Thank you!
Thank you, Rob, 5 100 QSO's in SI9AM's log after six days. We are very impressed.
Early morning
On Friday morning at four a clock (local time) Rob was picked up at SI9AM by SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla. They were taking him to Sundsvall/Midlanda Airport.
A cup of tea
At SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla summer house they made a very short stop for a quick cup of tea.
At the airport
Rob was at the airport at six a clock in the morning ready. It was a very satisfied and glad Rob who left SI9AM to go home to the Netherlands.
Welcome back Rob!
Before the demonstration of Amateur Radio in "White House", 2008-07-17
SM3BQC/Arne, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla went up to Utanede and SI9AM on Thursday after lunch and put everything in order for the demonstration of Amateur Radio, July 18 - 20.
We set up a FD4 for shortwave and a VHF dipole for 2 meters.
In “the White House”, we worked with a Kenwood TS-440 on HF and a Yaesu FT-225 on VHF. During Sunday we worked with a new Yaesu FT-897 on the HF-bands.
On our exhibition stands, we had information about Amateur Radio, articles from newspaper about what hams can do for example in cases of natural disasters.
For visitors who showed interest in our hobby we also had information leaflets and the newspaper QTC.
During these years we have got a lot of QSL cards from various countries and some of them we showed our visitors.
Thai Market
Outside the Thai Pavilion area there was a small Thai market, with Thai food, cloths and souvenirs.
Friday 2008-07-18
In place on this day were SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EFS/Lennart, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3PZS Per-Erik.
SM3CER/Janne was active from the Visiting Amateur Radio Station and worked a lot of QSO’s.
SM3CVM/Lars was interviewed by a reporter from a local radio station.
Despite the predicted bad weather, it was still many who have chosen to make a visit in the Thai pavilion and who also made a visit in "the White House" to learn more about Amateur Radio.
Saturday 2008-07-19
In place on this day were SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik.
July 19 is a great day for the Thai people and this day they have free entrance to the Thai Pavilion Park.
At 10.00, it was the traditional ceremony in the pavilion to the memory of King Chulalongkorn. When everyone had given their flowers and gifts to the statue of King Chulalongkorn you could look at dancers from Khon Kaen University in front of the Thai Pavilion.
This Day is a reminder of the Royal visit in Utanede 111 years ago. This year it was also 10 years since the Royal Thai pavilion finally inaugurated.
At eleven o clock there were speech and delivery of gifts in the Teak Pavilion, among others it was Municipal Commissioner Elisabet Yngström, which began to warmly welcome everybody and than County Governor Britt Bohlin Olsson, followed by a variety of speakers from Sweden and Thailand.
The whole day the festivities continued in the pavilion area. There was the puppet theatre with Joe Louis Theatre from Bangkok. Traditional Thai dance with Khon Kaen University Dance Group. Sword fencing show with Poh Chang College from Bangkok. Artists from Poh Change College in Bangkok.
We had many visitors in “the White House” who showed its interest in our hobby.
Sunday 2008-07-20
In place on this day were SA3ATF/Tommy and SM3YKF/Kent.
Also on this day, there was an interest to take part of our wonderful hobby.
In the afternoon SM3BQC/Arne, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla came and took down the antennas, radio equipment and the other things.
Visiting radio amateurs
The visitors who were hams and visited us these days were SA3ARI/Robin, SM3BIL/Ove, SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3VLC/Tomas, SM5AJV/Ingemar and an English ham, unfortunately we missed his call.
Present during the meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZS/Pelle
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Our landlord Reine Svensson was one of the four organizers behind the Diggiloo-performance. SI9AM got earlier this year the commission from Reine, to park the cars and have a radio liaison. From the three parking areas A, B and C, we had radio connection to a HQ-station.
Liaison Officer
Chief for this liaison commission was SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik which has a long and varied experience in leading large liaison commissions.
Starting meeting
At 13.00 local time we had our first meeting with information about what we were going to do.
Stationary stations
The HQ-station was establish in ”the White House” and we also had a stationary radio station in the museum, which for the day was a meeting place and restaurant only for us.
All amateur radio traffic during this liaison commission was on 145,450 MHz. The three were parking had a direct frequency. Most of us had a 2-meters hand-held equipment. All hams from SI9AM were this day dressed in orange/yellow. At 15.30 we went out to the three different parking areas where we were going to park 1100 cars with about 4,500 visitors.
The HQ-station in the "White House" was the spindle in the network, which knew where everyone was and could ask hams to take other places where they were more needed.
Picnic and show
At 16.30 the visitors could go in the pavilion area and take places outside the “picnic-area”. Those who had numbered seats or tickets to the picnic-area were allowed to take their places at 18.00.
Show start at 19.00
It was very important that all the cars were parked and the visitors in place before 19.00. We managed to that and the show could start exactly at 19.00.
Except the two stationary radio stations there was four “important” persons, namely Reine Svensson, Per Bergvall, Medical orderly and Guards who, throughout the afternoon/evening, was followed by hams with a hand-held radio equipment.
At the scene
During the whole evening, we had hams both to the right and to the left of the stage and in front of and behind the scene.
At 20.30 we had a short meeting and at 22.15 a larger meeting to discuss what to do when all cars were going home after the Diggiloo-performance.
They way out
When the show ended about 22.45, we were on the three parking areas to show and help the cars to find their way out. After 45 minutes all cars had left the parking area and we got praise for our job from many people.
Thanks, and good night
At 00.30 we gathered in the museum again for a final meeting. A big thank you and “YOU ALL DID A GOOD JOB” to all the 41 hams.
The contest team this year was LA7JKA/Jukka, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3VLC/Tomas.
1.679 QSOs, 3.646 points, 140 Multipliers.
Total score 514.086.
They rented SI9AM during a week in October.
Read their story in French or Dutch in the UBA magazine "CQ-QSO".
The contest team this year was SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3DMP/Thomas, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3VLC/Tomas.
We worked all 48 hours and we had about 1.800 QSOs in the log.
Tuesday January 6, we held a planning meeting on SI9AM.
From Östersund SM3CVM/Lars came from Hammarstrand came SM3EAE/Lasse and from Bispgården came SM3VLC/Tomas.
From Sundsvall came SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3CER/Janne and from Järkvissle came SM3BQC/Arne
We had invited Sune Gissler and Jonny Johansson from Krångede Power museum to inform them about SI9AM and what we have done to market Utanede and the neighborhoods. They arrived half past nine. During the morning we show them our visiting amateur radio station and demonstrated amateur radio. The aim is that our respective organizations can cooperate with marketing. We can recommend our visitors to plan a visit at Krångede Power Museum.
After lunch, we started to replace the old Windows 98 Internet computer to a newer upgraded XP computer. During the day SM3CER/Janne worked at number of QSOs.
In the afternoon we made an activity plan for the year 2009.
Present during the meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3TIR/Sven
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3LIV/Ulla
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
From Sollefteå Radio Club: SM3PZS/Per-Erik
From Ådalens Radio Amateurs: SM3XKW/Anders
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3EFS/Lennart and SM3CER/Janne went Utanede and SI9AM to work with the computers. It became a full day’s work in Utanede for the three guys. It was cold - 14 degrees below zero - and it was snowing while they were there. They went from Sundsvall about two o’clock and they were home again late after midnight.
We have been without internet since the end of November, but now it works again. They tried to install Skype in the computers, but there was no sound card in computers.
They also began to move some log program and some other programs, but they got just a bit. We have a lot more to do, but much was also made. The internet computer and the log computer is now replaced with the "new" computers with Windows XP. The third "extra computer" didn’t they do something about this time.
A summary of the situation:
On Saturday evening SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3CER/Janne arrived to Utanede and started to work with the computers. They continued the work which they started in the beginning of February.
On Sunday morning SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3VLC/Tomas arrived. First, we discussed “coming activities”. After that we continued to update the computers.
Present during the meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik, SM3TIR/Sven
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3LIV/Ulla
From Ådalens Radio Amateurs: SM3XKW/Anders
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Radio meeting in Kramfors
SK3IK, Ådalens Radio Amateurs had invited hams in the third call area to a Radio Meeting at “Hola Folkhögskola” in Nyland, Kramfors. Immediately after the meeting for the third call area, SI9AM held its annual meeting.
SM3CVM/Lars, president of SI9AM, wished everyone welcome and presented the agenda and it that was accepted.
To chairman for the annual meeting, we elected SM3CVM/Lars, to secretary we elected SM3LIV/Ulla and we elected SM3YKF/Kent and SM3GHE/Nils to sign the minutes.
The past year
SM3CVM/Lars presented to activity report for 2008 and SM3LIV/Ulla presented the annual report for 2008. Then some elections for the new council was made and then the meeting was closed and SM3CVM/Lars thanked all who had come.
Still, it was more work to do with the computers. A lot of programs have to be update, so SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3CER/Janne, SM3VLC/Tomas and SM3VRG/Karl-Gunnar decided to meet at SI9AM and continue the work.
SM3FJF/Jörgen had bought a new refrigerator with a small freezer compartment. The first thing to do this day was to unpack the refrigerator and put it in place.
Some programs were updated and we also managed to install the program “Skype”. So, no you can call us on Skype.
Report from SI9AM Saturday April 18
I arrive to Utanede at 8 a clock local time. The weather was Sunny and little windy. I took some pictures of The Pavilion with the sun called from the south-east. Completely different from what you see if you arrive later. (see below).
80 meter
Very quiet on 80 meters and therefore I moved to 40 meters. Quit here also but I managed to run about 50 contacts.
20 meter
On 20 meters, it was better. Some Japanese and some U.S. long path. A pleasant pile, neither too much nor too little, with a rate of about 110 QSO's per hour when it went as best. Really fun!
15 meter
I moved to 15 meters, but there were only two DL in approximately 10 minutes. I ran auto-CQ while I ate lunch.
30 meter
Then I moved to 30 meters and it went really well, including some Japanese on this band.
This was the first activity on SI9AM instead of being in The Pavilion Park which we have done for some years. We decided after all to do this because it was so bad with visitors in the park last year. And it feels much better!
402 QSOs in the log. On there was almost as many visitors during the day, just over 350. The summary is simple, a wonderful day at SI9AM!
Report from Täby Saturday April 18
During Saturday SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3FJF/Jörgen were in the exhibit hall at Täby Park Hotel. It was the SSA's annual radio meeting with visiting radio amateurs from all over the country. We showed a PowerPoint presentation of SI9AM and had information about the Visiting Amateur Radio Station, SI9AM, and tourist information about the Thai Pavilion and the Dead Fall.
A new season has started and this Saturday we met at Utanede to clean up the room and check the antennas and the radio equipment. We also had meeting to discuss the activities on July 18, when we have a liaison commission during the Diggiloo show at the Thai pavilion
Hams from Sundsvall
SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3EFS/Lennart and SM3FJF/Jörgen went from Sundsvall to SI9AM in Utanede, to work from The Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station SI9AM.
SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3CER/Janne worked about 60 QSO:s on 80 meters SSB, mostly with Swedish Radio Amateurs. Many Radio Amateurs were happy to run SI9AM. Hopefully some will visit SI9AM in Utanede.
“Indalsledensloppet 2009”
This weekend was also “Indalsledensloppet 2009”. A relay race where you run along the river "Indalsälven". One of changeover places was at Holmstagården. A music band was playing when the relay runner arrived.
Fifty hams
Also, this year SI9AM had a liaison mission during the Diggiloo show. We were fifty hams who work from the early morning to midnight. Our mission was to park all cars on three parking areas. We also helped the "Diggiloo-people" with different small projects.
Work in the morning
In the morning we built up the HQ-station and a restaurant tent near the Museum.
We had 2-meters hand-held equipment and we were QRV on separate frequencies depending on the mission we had for the moment. The HQ-station was on 145,450 MHz and distributed information to all of us and answered all our questions.
It was a very warm and fine day with sunshine the whole day. For the hams on the parking areas without trees and no shadow it was very hot. A lot of water was consumed.
Thai festival
During the day there was a Thai festival and the cars began to arrive from about nine a clock. Of course, many people also visited the Thai Pavilion.
Sandwiches and food
During the whole day coffee, tea, water, cakes, sandwiches and food was served in our restaurant tent.
They way out
When the show ended about 23.15, we were on the three parking areas to show and help the cars to find their way out. After 30-40 minutes all cars had left the parking areas and we were told that we had done a good job.
Thanks, and good night
At 00.30 we ended the day in the restaurant tent with hot dogs with bread.
A big thank you and “YOU ALL DID A GOOD JOB” to all 50 hams.
This year's contest team were SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen.
SM3DMP/Tomas had also planned to be active from SI9AM and arrived early on Saturday morning but was unfortunately forced to leave and go back home again because their dog became acutely ill and have to go to the vet.
Saturday morning started with data problems when they updated one of the contest log programs. It was the CW keying from the computer that did not work. They tried to find the problems but they didn´t find it. Instead, they installed Log4U, and suddenly the CW keying worked again. Because of this, the contest team lose the first important 90 minutes of the contest.
Summary in the class - Multi Operator, Single TX.
1.408 QSOs, 163 multipliers and total points 525.023.
Present during the meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3TIR/Sven
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs:SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3LIV/Ulla
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZS/Per-Erik and SM3GHE/Nils
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Welcome back!
Once again ON4ACA/Jef and ON6UQ/Marcel operates from SI9AM during the CQ World Wide DX Contest SSB.
They arrived to Stockholm very late on October 21. At midnight, the night between Wednesday and Thursday, they travelled by car from Stockholm Arlanda to SI9AM. In Thursday morning, at half past four they made a short stop at SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3FJF/Jörgen in Njurunda, who had invited them for a cup of coffee and sandwiches.
On October 23, SM3CVM/Lars visited SI9AM to wish they welcome back and handle over the award from last year’s CQ World Wide DX Contest SSB. ON4ACA/Jef and ON6UQ/Marcel was the operators at SI9AM and the winner of First place SSB Multi Single in Sweden.
On the cluster you could see that they have been spotted several times during Thursday and Friday.
On Monday morning they are leaving SI9AM, first they will travel by car to Stockholm Arlanda and then fly to Belgium.
Present during the meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3LIV/Ulla
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZS/Per-Erik, SM3GHE/Nils
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
This year's contest team was SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen.
On Friday evening. at 22.00 local time, SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen had arrived to SI9AM. They started to update the contest logging program Win Test to a newer version. A few minutes before the start of the contest everything was prepared SM3CER/Janne was the first one to runt the contest, and he began at 160 meters.
We were active during 30 hours of the contest and it became 1.369 QSOs and a total point of 640.000.
See you next year in the 2010 CQ World Wide DX Contest.
Copyright © 2021-2025 SM3LIV Ulla Norrmén