The story of SI9AM
The first QSO with the special callsign SI9AM was on July 16, 1999 at 17.00 UTC.
The offical opening of SI9AM was on July 19, 2000.
Here you can follow what has happened since the first QSO in 1999 and until we had to close down the visitor station SI9AM.
The text (1999 to May 2012) is from the website, which will be closed down in the summer 2021. However, some minor adjustments have been made of the original text.
Present during the phone meeting:
From Gullängets Radioamateurs, SM3WMU/Tomas
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3TIR/Sven
From Sollefteå Radioclub, SM3PZV/Bengt
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs,SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3ESX/Christer and SM3FJF/Jörgen
From Ådalens Radioamateurs, SM3EKD/Tore
We discussed what had happened since the last meeting. The amateur radio education in Utanede will start in January 2002 instead of in October 2001.We will be in Täby during the ham radio exhibition with SSA:s annual meeting and in Friedrichshafen during the ham exhibition in June. We discussed what radio equipment we shall buy but we didn't decide anything. We also made plans for our other activities until October.
We need more new hams in our amateur radio clubs in Sweden, therefore we arranged an amateur radio education during two weekends. The aim were to educate for the certificate of license class 2 (Klass 2). The education took place at Holmsta Gård in Utanede where the pupils and the teachers also stayed overnight.
Participants were:
Vivan Johansson, Långträsk
Ann-Sofie Israelsson, Sundsvall
Hans Israelsson, Sundsvall
Erik Olsson, Delsbo
Nicklas Norin, Hudiksvall
Ari Mikkola, Kramfors (not on the photo)
SM3FT/Lars, Ilsbo, joined us to learn and get ideas how to arrange an own amateur radio education
SM2XHI/Leif, Långträsk operated from SI9AM the whole weekend
Teachers were:
SM3ESX/Christer, Kvissleby
SM3FJF/Jörgen, Njurunda
SM3IEL/Lennart in Järkvissle helped us when we showed 'real' QSO traffic.
Utanede Intresseförening cooked all the food we got during these two days.
We need more new hams in our amateur radio clubs in Sweden, therefore we arranged an amateur radio education during two weekends. The aim was to educate for the certificate of license class 2 (Klass 2). Part two took place February 9 - 10, at Holmsta Gård. During Saturday and part of Sunday we went on with the education. On Sunday the examiner SM3CWE/Owe arrived and on Sunday afternoon the five participants made their examination. All five passed the test. They will soon get their certificate and also their amateur radio signal.
Participants were:
Ann-Sofie Israelsson, Sundsvall
Hans Israelsson, Sundsvall
Vivan Johansson, Långträsk
Erik Olsson, Delsbo
Nicklas Norin, Hudiksvall
SM3FT/Lars, Ilsbo, joined us to learn and get ideas how to arrange an own amateur radio education
SM2XHI/Leif, Långträsk operated from SI9AM the whole weekend
Teachers were:
SM3ESX/Christer, Kvissleby
SM3FJF/Jörgen, Njurunda
After the examination SM3EAE/Lars came with a cake, and everyone thought it tasted very good.
Utanede Intresseförening were also this weekend responsible and cooked all the food we got during these two days.
SM3BQC/Arne and SM3FJF/Jörgen went to SI9AM and did some cleaning work. At the same time a cupboard was mounted on the toilet.
SM3BQC/Arne and SM3IEL/Lennart went to SI9AM and mounted a homemade ladder on the bunk bed.
Present during the phone meeting:
From Gullängets Radioamateurs, SM3WMU/Tomas
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs, SM3CVM/Lars and SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik
From Sollefteå Radioclub, SM3PZV/Bengt and SM3TSZ/Mauritz
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer and SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla
SM3LIV/Ulla gave a financial report. Decided that SM3CVM/Lars and SM3LIV/Ulla put together a report to PO Bengard at Ragunda municipality. Decided to buy a second-hand short wave equipment Yaesu 1000MP (we don't have enough money to buy a new one). We will buy antennas from Finland and advertise for rotor and short wave radio on internet.
Working-meeting are preliminary planned to May 10 and 24 and June 1-2. We also discussed the coming activities we decided on the last meeting.
SM3BQC/Arne and SM3FJF/Jörgen went to SI9AM and mounted a shelf on the toilet to use when we wash the dishes. We also mounted some hooks for our outdoor clothes.
Present during the annual meeting:
SM3BPY/Sören, SM3BWJ/Kristian, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3EKD/Tore, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3GHE/Nils, SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3LIV/Ulla,SM3PHZ/Lars-Åke , SM3PZV/Bengt, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik, SM3XKW/Anders, Tommy Johansson
After the SM3-Meeting and the Annual meeting we had a boarding meeting. We discussed the economy and the budget for year 2002.
We have already decided to buy a Yaesu 1000MP. Now we decided that SM3FJF/Jörgen will be the one who negotiate with the seller.
We talked a little about the coming activities and who have main responsibility for each activity during the summer.
To the minutes we have also taken a thanks to Utanede Intresseförening who have helped us with the amateur radio education and the meetings this day.
During the ham radio exhibition with SSA´s annual meeting in Täby, we show a computer presentation about SI9AM. We informed about the Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station in Utanede and handed over tourist information about Ragunda and the Thai Pavilion in Utanede. The vice-president SM3FJF/Jörgen and the treasurer SM3LIV/Ulla represented us.
Present during the phone meeting:
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3HFD/Håkan
SM3FJF/Jörgen gave a report from the amateur radio meeting in Storuman on April 13. Storuman is a place in the 2:nd area in Sweden. SM3FJF/Jörgen gave also a report from SSA:s annual meeting in Täby April 20 – 21 with the usual amateur radio exhibition. At these two meetings we showed a digital presentation about SI9AM and handled over tourist brochures about Ragunda municipality and the neighborhoods around.
SM3VRG/Karl-Gunnar is building a 2-meters repeater for SI9AM. The frequency will probably be RV49 with a transmitter frequency on 145.012,5 MHz and receiver frequency on 145.612,5 MHz.
During the phone meeting we discussed the Yaesu 1000MP we have bought. SM3CWE/Owe have tested the equipment and it was to his satisfaction. We planned the coming work at SI9AM during May. We have ordered a tribander och we are looking for a 40 meters beam. A contest team will run the CQ WW WPX on CW May 25-26. SM3CER/Janne will make a schedule for the operators. SM3CVM/Lars told us about the marketing activities in Friedrichshafen June 28-30.
SM3DVN/Gunnar and SM3FJF/Jörgen from Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs went to Utanede to put in order the schack. We have bought a used Yaesu 1000MP. Now we have two separate radio equipment's in the schack. You can choose the equipment you like best. We have a Yaesu 1000MP with a Heathkit SB 220 and an ICOM 735 Line with PA and autotuner .
Present during the meeting:
Erik Olsson, SM3AQC/Lars, SM3BPY/Sören, SM3BWJ/Kristian, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3DAL/Ove, SM3EEG/Ulf, SM3EKD/Tore, SM3EQY/Håkan, SM3FBM/Rolf, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FT/Lars, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3GHE/Nils, SM3GSK/Classe, SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3JGG/Staffan, SM3KJU/Björn, SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3MHD/Curt, SM3MQF/Curt, SM3PHZ/Lars-Åke , SM3PZV/Bengt, SM3RUJ/Anders, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik, SM3VES/Ivan, SM3VRG/Karl-Gunnar, SM3XKW/Anders, SM3XRB/Gunnar, SM5SIC/Göran, SM-8116/Nicklas, Tommy Johansson
Once in the spring and once in the autumn hams from the third area in Sweden meet and discuss everything about amateur radio. This spring it was SI9AM who arranged this meeting and we met at Holmsta Gård, the same building was SI9AM, the Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station in Utanede is situated. It was fine day with sunshine. As you see there was 33 hams who had travelled to Utanede to meet other hams and of course look at the Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station.
We started with a cup of coffee and a sandwich, most of the hams had travelled a long way to come to us. About one o'clock we took a break for lunch and the traditional competition. Everyone who wins the competition gets a inscription in a memorial plate and when your name is on the plate three times you get the memorial plate. Noon had got the memorial plate yet. This year it was SM5SIC who got the inscription. Our congratulations to Göran!
We had a lot to discuss so the meeting went on to three o'clock. Next meeting will take place in the beginning in October in Sundsvall.
Thanks to Utanede Intresseförening who fixed lunch and coffee.
Present during the annual meeting:
SM3BPY/Sören, SM3BWJ/Kristian, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3EKD/Tore, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3GHE/Nils, SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3PHZ/Lars-Åke , SM3PZV/Bengt, SM3RUJ/Anders, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik, SM3XKW/Anders, Tommy Johansson
After the SM3-meeting we had our third annual meeting. To president for this meeting was SM3FJF/Jörgen elected and to secretary was SM3LIV/Ulla elected. To sign the minutes was SM3CER/Jan-Eric and SM3CWE/Owe elected. The meeting adopts the annual report and the accounts.
Some new members were elected to the council.
New council:
President SM3CVM Lars Aronsson
Vice president SM3FJF Jörgen Norrmén
Treasures SM3LIV Ulla Norrmén
Secretary SM3ESX Christer Byström
Member SM3CWE Owe Persson
Member SM3EKD Tore Karlsson
Member SM3HFD Håkan Ståhlberg
Member SM3PHZ Lars-Åke Hansson
Member SM3PZV Bengt Johansson
Member SM3SZW Sven-Henrik Östborg
Member SM3WMU Tomas Wikman
SM3FJF/Jörgen thanked everyone for their engagement in SI9AM.
Present during the planning meeting:
From Sundsvalls Radioamatörer: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer and SM3FJF/Jörgen,
From Jemtlands Radioamatörer: SM3EAE/Lars
To plan the coming work on May 10, some hams from Sundsvall went to Utanede. It's easier to check everything on place. We discussed what material and what tools we needed. We are going to mount two electrical cabinet and mount new electrical cable from the central electric cabinet to the schack and to the electric cabinet on outside of the building. SM3CER/Janne tested the new Yaesu MP1000.
Present during the working meeting:
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3VRG/Karl-Gunnar
From Sollefteå Radioclub: SM3PZV/Bengt and Tommy
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3JJI/Jan and SM3JVJ/Lars
SM3JVJ/Lars and SM3FWT/Hans are painting the wood post we shall use for the electrical socket for 220 V and 380 V. We fixed the antenna and the rotator cables to the mast. SM3CVM/Lars and SM3BQC/Arne cut of the feeder to the electrical cabinet which will be mounted on the antenna mast.
All hams assisted when we mounted the special cables to anchor the lower part of the mast. Now we can climb safety in the mast.
We moved all parts of the mast from its temporary place to the mast foundation
SM3VRG/Karl-Gunnar is going to build a SI9AM-repeater together with SM3JJI/Jan and SM3HFD/Håkan. The equipment will be tested during the summer.
SM3FWT/Hans and SM3BQC/Arne made preparation for an earthing-wire to the radio equipment.
SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3HFD/Håkan from Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs went to Utanede to look for a mast pipe to the antenna mast and they also looked for electrical outlet for the electrical cabinet.
SM3CVM/Lars and SM3GHN/Jan-Bertil from Jemtlands Radio Amateurs went to Utanede to discuss with ”Utanede Intresseförening” how we should mount the electric cables with 380 V to the mast and to the schack.
Present during the working meeting:
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3EAE/Lars and SM3GHN/Jan-Bertil with his family
From Sollefteå Radioclub: SM3PZV/Bengt and Tommy
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3JJI/Jan and SM3MQF/Curt
This day we fixed the high-tension current from the central electrical cabinet to the mast, to new electrical cabinet on outer wall on Holmstagården and to the schack. We tested the rotor and did some mechanical work.
SM3BQC/Arne mounted some shelves in a wardrobe. We are going to work CQ WW WPX on CW the coming weekend so we did some arrangements for that.
SM3CER/Janne listened on the band but is very quiet everywhere. The conditions became a little better in the evening and we work 140 QSO:n on 15 and 20 m CW.
For the first time we prepared to work all the 48 hours in a contest from SI9AM. The contest team: SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3VAC/Magnus and SM3WMU/Tomas.
A lot planning was done before the contest. SM3CER/Janne had made a schedule how the seven operators were going to work during the contest. SM3FJF/Jörgen had bought food and drink and SM3BQC/Arne had lent us his W3DZZ, which we were going to connect with a listening equipment.
On Friday evening May 24 SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3CWE/Owe came to start the preparations for the contest. Among other things we installed the TR Contest Logging Program which is sponsored by Jonit in Östersund and SM3OJR/Jonathan. Later in the evening SM3CVM/Lars, SM3VAC/Magnus, SM3WMU/Tomas and SM3FJF/Jörgen arrived.
We had booked some rooms at Holmstagården for the operator to use as resting rooms.
SM3VAC/Magnus and SM3WMU/Tomas worked the first spell of contest.
On Saturday we tried to connect two computers with each other, to use in the contest, but we failed.
The night before Sunday we noticed that the Multiband Antenna FD4 didn't work, then we were lucky that we had the W3DZZ, which we mounted in a 20-meter high flagstaff. We could now work a lot of DX with low power on 80 and 40 meters.
On Sunday evening SM3VAC/Magnus, SM3WMU/Tomas and SM3FJF/Jörgen went home because they were going to work early in Monday morning.
At midnight SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars went home. SM3CER/Janne and SM3CWE/Owe worked the last spell.
When the contest was over we have logged about 1.825 QSO:s.
We were very pleased with the equipment and we can really offer all visitors a pleasant time at SI9AM.
Present during the working meeting
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans and SM3JVJ/Lars
The day was warm and beautiful and five hams from Sundsvalls Radio Amateur worked with the cables and made preparations for the new antennas, which we are going to mount in a near future.
We put down all the cables, which have been in the air. From now on we use the cables we earlier have digged down. We also mounted new feeders and rotator cables from the electrical cabinet through the attic down to the schack.
SM3ESX/Christer and SM3JVJ/Lars connected some feeders and rotator cables in the electrical cabinet on the mast. In the afternoon all hams tested if the motor on the mast worked and with just a few simple operations we got the motor to start working and all hams cheered.
Present during the planning meeting:
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3EXO/Uno,
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3ESX/Christer and SM3FJF/Jörgen,
This evening we met to plan the rest of the work before mounting the rotator, the mast pipe and the beams. Some mechanical work must be done. SM3EXO/Uno promise to do that work and we hope we can mount everything during the last weekend in June. SM3BQC/Arne mounted a shelter over the cables from the electrical cabinet to the ground.
Present during the working meeting:
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans and SM3MQF/Curt
After some tests we found out that the Window Antenna didn't work normally from 50 Watt. (The contest team had noticed the same thing during the CQ WPX Contest.) It was also some problems with the feeder to the Dipole Antenna. We have to check this up later on. This rainy day we also mounted Dipole Antennas for 40 and 80 meters.
Present during the working meeting:
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3CER/Janne
We have bought a new computer. This evening SM3CER/Janne moved all information from the old computer to the new one. It was totally 473 files that were moved. During this time SM3BQC/Arne and SM3FJF/Jörgen checked some mechanical details that SM3EXO/Uno had fixed and delivered to Utanede. SM3BQC/Arne shall now do some painting of mechanical details.
Approximately 18,000 radio amateurs from all world (as many as in the previous year) visited the Ham radio and showed large interest in the comprehensive offer of the exhibition. Particularly in the neighbor states (I, F, A, CH) the Ham radio registered a good resonance.
Except all amateur radio companies and other who were selling whatever you can think of, you could visit many of the amateur radio societies.
In SSA:s, “Sveriges Sändareamatörers” exhibition case you could find SM3CVM/Lars and SM3CWE/Owe who could tell you everything about SI9AM.
Present during the working meeting:
From Sundsvalls Radioamatörer, SM3BQC/Arne and SM3FJF/Jörgen,
From Jemtlands radioamatörer, SM3EAE/Lars
From Sollefteå Radioklubb, SM3PZV/Bengt and Tommy
Early in the morning SM3FJF/Jörgen picked up SM3BQC/Arne in Järkvissle and they travelled to Utanede. SM3EAE/Lars was already there and he had made coffee. He had also visited Anders Lundström and borrowed a sky lift. Now they were ready to work at the mast. It was rain most of the day when they mounted the mechanical details. In the schack a transformer on 117 V was mounted for the maneuverable unit for the rotor made in USA. Some tests were made and it worked very well.
Present during the working meeting:
From Sundsvalls Radioamatörer, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3MQF/Curt
From Jemtlands radioamatörer, SM3EAE/Lars
This Sunday it was time for us to mount the two beams. We have bought a 2-element beam for 40 meter and tribander beam for 10-15-20 meter. We started to mount the beam for 40 meter. Then it was time to lift the beam on the mast. SM3ESX/Christer had climb up in the mast and the other lifted it up to him and after that he worked to screw it on the mast tube. The only problem we got was a rope that had been jammed. We didn't reach it but with help of a long gardening tool we managed to put away the rope.
We also mount the tribander for 10-15-20 meter. It was more details and we had to look in the mounting manual a lot of times to put everything on the right place. But at least it was time to lift this beam on the mast. Even this time SM3ESX/Christer climbed up in the mast, but this time he was dressed in a raincoat because of the rain. Now it was three hams who lifted the mast, we made it very slowly and managed to get the beam on its right place and SM3ESX/Christer screw it on the mast tube.
As traditional we arranged Open House at SI9AM in connection with the celebration of the 105th Anniversary of King Chulalongkorn´s royal visit to Utanede, Sweden, July 19, 2002. On July 19, 2002 a new building, a Teak House, was dedicated. Many persons from the government authorities had come to Utanede to take part of the celebrations.
The Teak House, which is built in teak, is a gift from the Royal Forest Department in Bangkok. Ragunda Municipality and Fine Arts Department in Thailand made the design of the Teak House and the Teak House is produced in Auyttaya north of Bangkok and shipped by boat to Sweden. It is built up during the early summer. The Teak House is located near the Thai Pavilion and around the Teak House there is a hedge and an entrance portal in Thai style.
In the park you could see Thai Folk Dance Performance, presented by Rajabhat Institute Surin, and also a lot of Thai handicraft.
In the Thai delegation was M.R. Chakrarot Chitrabongs, Secretary General Office of National Culture Commission. He is also a radio amateur with the call HS1VRD. After the official program we could show our Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station SI9AM for HS1VRD, M.R. Chakrarot Chitrabongs, Ms Phinranai Chotikanta and Lars Forslund from Ragunda municipality. HS1VRD, M.R. Chakrarot Chitrabongs hadn't heard about SI9AM and he showed a great interest when we told him how we had built up this Rent-a-QTH. We handed over brochures and the newspaper QTC from our official opening on July 19, 2000. HS1VRD, M.R. Chakrarot Chitrabongs promised to inform other hams in his district about this Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station, near the Thai Pavilion.
During the Open House days we worked about 1000 QSO´s, mostly on 20 meter. Operators during these days has been SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM6JOC/Björn, SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3SWZ/Sven-Henrik, SM6WXA/Janne and SM6WXL/Gunnel and a several time there were pile up on the unique call SI9AM.
Present during the working meeting:
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3FWT/Hans
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3TIR/Sven
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt and Tommy
A new working day at SI9AM. We made a lot of soldering this Sunday. There were many coax contacts to put on the feeders. The connection for the rotor in the shack and at the mast were finished. We also made preparations for the next working day.
Present during the working meeting:
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3FWT/Hans and SM3JVJ/Lars
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3EAE/Lars
Now it was time to trim to beams. SM3EAE/Lars had borrowed a sky lift. Most of the day we were trimming the 40 meters beam but we also controlled the tribander beam. The rotor was mounted in the right position, and the feeders and the rotor cable were mounted in the uppermost mast section. Mast section 2 was put together. It began to getting dark so we had to finish the work for the day.
We realized that before we rise the mast we must cut down a big pine tree. Otherwise, we don't know what will happened if it will become very windy weather.
SM3BQC/Arne and SM3FJF/Jörgen are taking down the dipole antennas for 80- and 40 meters which have been mounted in some of the threes. Vi also marked the high pine tree which we must cut down before we can raise the mast. The treetop will otherwise damage the beams in heavy wind.
Present during the working meeting:
From Jemtlands Radio Amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3VRG/K-G
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt and Tommy
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3FWT/Hans
We cut the high pine tree, which turned out to be 26 meter high. We mount and raise the mast to 20 meters height. Now the Tribander is on 20 meter and the 40 meters beam is on 24 meter. We can raise the mast 9 meter more. But we will wait until next summer and see how it works until then.
During the CQ WW Contest, SI9AM, operated in the Multi Operator, Single Transmitter Class. Operators during all the 48 hours were SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3VAC/Magnus and SM3WMU/Tomas. They worked 1932 QSO:s. For the first time they managed to use a network with 2 computers. A multiplier station was used together with the existing equipment. One of the visitors during the contest was SM3XRA/Bengt.
Present during the annual meeting: SM3BIZ/Curt, SM3BWJ/Kristian, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3GHE/Nils, SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3PZS/Per-Erik, SM3PHZ/Lars-Åke SM3PZV/Bengt, SM3TIR/Sven, SM3VRG/K-G, SM3WMU/Tomas, SM3WTZ/Hans-Erik, SM3XKW/Anders, SM3YFX/Lars-Gunnar with XYL and daughter and also Tommy.
Many hams had come to our annual meeting in Utanede, it was about 25 persons. We met about ten a clock and started with a cup of coffee with an open sandwich. At 11.00 AM Lars Forslund from Ragunda Municipality informed us about the plans for the Thai Pavilion and about the official visit Sweden made in Thailand in the end of February this year. He also showed us a DVD-movie which they had showed in Thailand. At 12 a clock we started the annual meeting and during the meeting the annual report and the accounts for year 2002 was presented by SM3LIV/Ulla. And of course, we elected some new hams to the council.
The big surprise this day was the lunch. Astrid Hammargården and her assistants had made a delicious lunch with Thai-food. After the lunch we had a boarding-meeting where we discussed the award-program, the working-meeting April 17 and other coming activities.
Present during the work.
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3DVN/Gunnar and SM3FJF/Jörgen
All cables in the schack are now marked so it will be easier to content the radio equipment, power amplifier, SWR instrument and the antenna switch. We also found a loose contact in a coax on the SWR-instrument which we repaired.
Present during the work:
From Jemtlands Radio Amaterurs:SM3CVM/Lars and SM3TIR/Sven
From Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3HFD/Håkan
SM3FJF/Jörgen who is authorized to perform test for amateur radio certifications, let 6 persons from Sollefteå make the test for class 2.
The other hams worked with a new multi dipole for 80 – 10 meter. We placed the dipole 20 meters up.
SM3BQC/Arne did some carpentry work and SM3CER/Janne operated with the signal SI9AM.
Contest team: SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen
On Friday May 23 at 23.00 local time, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen met to make the last preparations for the contest which started 02.00 local time on Saturday. On Saturday afternoon SM3NXS/Sten arrived and he worked for about four hours and also SM3EAE/Lars joined the group. We worked multi operator, single transmitter. We worked until 24.00 local time on Sunday and had then worked 2.072 QSO:s, 416 multipliers. During the weekend we also had time to plan for the activity on June 8, from the Thai Teak House.
Present during the phone meeting.
From FRO-section in Sollefteå: SM3GHE/Nils
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3EKD/Tore
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
SM3BQC/Arne, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen met the new leaseholder of Holmsta. Her name is Astrid Hammargården. She has leased the building with restaurant and rooms for overnight during three years. SI9AM´s room is not including in that contract. We informed her about SI9AM and we talked how we can help each other with the marketing.
SM3FJF/Jörgen was invited by Södertörns Radio amateurs, SKØQO, to visit them and tell them about the Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station SI9AM. Jörgen started the evening with the story about King Chulalongkorns trip to Sweden and Utanede in 1897. After that Jörgen showed a picture presentation about the construction work with the Thai Pavilion and of course how we have built up a Visitor´s amateur radio station near the Thai Pavilion. There were a lot of questions since the members in SKØQO are planning a trip to Utanede May 29 to June 1. We wish them welcome.
Present during the phone meeting.
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe and SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3EKD/Tore
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
A radio amateur group from SKØQO, Södertörns Radio Amateurs had for a long time planed a trip to SI9AM. They arrived on May 29 and were welcomed by SM3CER/Janne and SM3FJF/Jörgen. SM3CER and SM3FJF showed the QTH with the radio equipment and antennas and they were impressed and look forward to work a lot of QSO:s and also to visit some of the tourist attractions around Utanede.
To show amateur radio for visitors of the Thai Pavilion we operated during three hours from The Thai Teak House. It was SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars who answered a lot of question and showed how we make a QSO.
To show amateur radio for visitors of the Thai Pavilion we operated during three hours from The Thai Teak House. It was SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3RMR/Björn who answered a lot of question and showed how we make a QSO.
Present during the phone meeting.
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt
From FRO-section in Sollefteå: SM3GHE/Nils
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Guest operators
July 16 – 20, 2003
Every year Ragunda Municipality celebrates King Chulalongkorn´s visit in Utanede in July 19, 1897. This year it was 150 years since King Chulalongkorn was born and it was big celebrations on July 19, in the Thai Pavilion area.
During July 17 – 18 it was a big international conference (Gateway for exchange Thailand & Northern Europe) in Ragunda with participants from Sweden, Thailand and EU Brussels. The purpose of the conference is to build up a centre of culture. Chairmen of the conference were Permanent Secretary Ministry of Culture M. R. Chakrarot Chitrabongs and the governor of Jämtland County Ms. Maggi Mikaelsson. M. R. Chakrarot is Chitrabongs for us radio amateurs also known as HS1VRD. SI9AM were invited to inform the participants of how amateur radio relates people around the world. It was a great honour for us to have this possibility to inform everybody about our hobby and of course about SI9AM.
Ragunda Municipality had also invited us to show amateur radio and inform about SI9AM inside the Thai Pavilion area in an exhibition marquee during July 17 – 19.
During these days (July 17 - 20) we also showed our Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station SI9AM.
July 16, 2003
On Wednesday afternoon July 16, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla met at four o'clock local time to build up the exhibition marquee. It was really warm and a lot of gadflies were irritating us all the time but about nine o'clock local time we were ready with the arrangements.
July 17, 2003
On Thursday July 17, SM3CER/Janne and SM3FJF/Jörgen went to the conference.
In the exhibition marquee and at the Visitor´s amateur radio station following radio amateurs worked:
SM3ESX/Christer, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3GHE/Nils, SM3PZV/Bengt, SM3LDP/Markku, SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik and SM3YKQ/Håkan.
This was also a very hot day with clear blue sky the whole day. A lot of people who were visiting the Thai Pavilion came to our exhibition marquee and got information about amateur radio and of course about our Visitor´s amateur radio station.
July 18, 2003
On Friday July 18, SM3CER/Janne and SM3FJF/Jörgen went to the conference again.
In the exhibition marquee and at the Visitor´s amateur radio station following radio amateurs worked:
SM3DAL/Owe, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3YFX/Lars-Gunnar, SM3TIR/Sven, SM3UKE/Henrik.
It's still very fine weather and we hade a lot of visitors in our exhibition marquee and at our Visitor´s amateur radio station. SM7OHS/Nils-Erik and his XYL who followed a bus-trip from the southern part of Sweden up the northern part visited us.
In the afternoon when the conference were finished we were glad when HS1VRD M.R. Chakrarot Chitrabongs made a visit in our exhibition marquee and also look at QSL-cards from Thailand.
July 19, 2003
In the exhibition marquee and at the Visitor´s amateur radio station following radio amateurs worked:
SM3AF/Sten, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3DAL/Owe, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3RMR/Björn and SM3YFX/Lars-Gunnar.
This was the celebration day with a lot of guests from Thailand who wanted to join the celebrations of King Chulalongkorn and see the flower garden.
July 20, 2003
In the Visitor´s amateur radio station following radio amateurs worked: SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3LIV/Ulla.
A lot of radio amateurs made a visit and we sometimes hade a great “pile up” on 20 meters when we worked with SI9AM.
To show amateur radio for visitors of the Thai Pavilion we operated during five hours from The Thai Teak House. It was SM3BQC/Arne,SM3CER/Janne and SM3FJF/Jörgen and who answered a lot of question and showed how we make a QSO.
Present during the phone meeting.
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik and SM3TIR/Sven
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3EKD/Tore
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
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