The story of SI9AM
The first QSO with the special callsign SI9AM was on July 16, 1999 at 17.00 UTC.
The offical opening of SI9AM was on July 19, 2000.
Here you can follow what has happened since the first QSO in 1999 and until we closed down the visitor station SI9AM in December 2020.
The text (1999 to May 2012) is from the website, which will be closed down in the summer 2021. However, some minor adjustments have been made of the original text.
The first QSO
The first QSO with the special callsign SI9AM was on July 16, 1999 at 17.00 UTC (on July 17 at 00.00 local time in Thailand) with HS0AC, The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand. After that we worked 36 QSO:n only with HS or E2 prefix, most of them at 20 meter and some on 40 meter.
23 amateurs visited our field-day i Utanede/Ragunda September 4 and 5 1999. Our aim was to test the conditions before we built a Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station. We worked 599 QSO:s.
In our magazine QTC number 9, 1999 there was a big report with colour pictures about SI9AM.
We worked with SI9AM during the Scandinavian Activity Contest on CW September 18 an 19. We have logged 1785 QSO:s. Operators: SM3BDZ, SM3CVM, SM3JLA and SM3OJR.
We have been in contact with local societies such as "Tai Valley, Indalsledens företagarförening". It is twelve companies near Ragunda. Their marketing are "4 miles of the most beautiful way in Sweden where fairytales comes true".
We have also been in contact with Kaj Blomqvist owner of "Holmstagården" and the restaurant Sabaidee Inn and with Anders Lundström, master-builder in Utanede.
An agreement is done with Kaj Blomqvist and we will rent a room at Holmstgården from March 30, for our Visitors-QTH.
We need complete equipment for our Visitors-QTH. All contributions are welcome.
From the begining of September we send the QSL as soon as we can.
More photos 1999 - 2003.
Meeting in Bispgården February 27, 2000
SM3DOT//Lennart, SM3EKD/Tore and SH3ACW/Anders represented Ådalens Sändareamatörer, SK3IK.
SM3CVM/Lars, SM3LR/Sören, SM3RUJ/Anders and SM3TIR/Sven represented Jemtlands Radioamatörer, SK3JR.
SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Jan-Erik, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3LNM/Mats and SM3MHD/Curt represented Sundsvalls radio Amateurs, SK3BG.
From Ragunda came SM3AQC/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars.
We began the meeting at 13.00 local time with a trip to Holmstagården to take a look at our new QTH i Utanede. After that we went back to conference room at the High School in Bispgården. There was a lot of questions to discuss such as marketing, administration, furniture, radio equipment, antennas and so on. The meeting ended at 16.00 local time.
Radio meeting for amateurs in the third area of Sweden.
April 1, 2000 the annual spring meeting for the third area were arranged by SI9AM. The meeting was held at Holmstagården and Sabaidee Inn.
28 amateurs from the third area had come to listen to SM3CWE/Owe who informed us about motion to the coming annual meeting for all amateurs in Sweden in Malmö in April. SM3FJF/Jörgen gave us a brief summary of recruiting work in the Swedish Radio Amateur Society – SSA.
After the meeting we had a guided tour to the Thai Pavilion.
Annual meeting SI9AM
The first annual meeting for SI9AM was also held this day. A new council was elected.
Activity day in Utanede May 13, 2000
8 amateurs from the radioclubs SK3JR, SK3BG and SK3IK meet in Utanede to plan the building of Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station.
This day we throw up the first sod for the antenna.
Ham Radio convention in Friedrichshafen June 22-24, 2000
We have been present in Friedrichshafen during the Ham Radio convention. SM3CVM/Lars stood in SSA:s exhibition case and informed about SI9AM.
Saturday July 15
On Saturday July 15, we had a working meeting in Utanede. We started with a board meeting and made a break when a reporter from a local newspaper came and made reportage. After the board meeting we started to prepare for the official opening on Wednesday July 19. We were 12 amateurs who worked hard the whole day. Some of us didn't go home until midnight.
We furnished the room. The radio room has now a bunk bed, a table with four chairs and big radio desk. We have also a microwave oven and a coffee maker.
SM3ESX/Christer worked with the radio equipment we have borrowed from SM3URI/Stig-Ove.
SH3ACW/Anders, SM3FBM/Rolf, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3TIR/Sven worked with the dipole- and the 2 meters antennas.
SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik, SM4TYC/Ulf and SM3WYE/Jonas worked with the rotator, rotator box, beam and the portable mast.
SM3LIV/Ulla made warm coffee sandwiches and cleaned the radio room.
The rotator we had borrowed needed repair which was done at the same time that we made a new holder. Unfortunately we hadn't a connection to the portable mast so we had to stop work at midnight.
Sunday July 16
We started again at 3 p.m. This time it was SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik, SM3WYE/Jonas with YL Johanna from Östersund, SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3FJF/Jörgen from Njurunda and SM3BQC/Arne from Järkvissle.
We had to do more weld work on the rotator. In the evening when were going to raise to portable mast something happened with the rotator and it was broken in pieces. We worked in heavy rain all the time so it was wet persons who went home.
The only fun we had that day was when IK3GES/Gabrielle and his XYL visited us and handle over a bottle of Italian champagne for the celebrations on July 19.
Wednesday July 19
After the official opening of SI9AM we went on with the work with rotator, beam and the portable mast. When we once again raised the portable mast (about 10 m up) we had to take it down because the ground was waterlogged. We were forced to move to another place.
About 5 p.m. the beam was in the air on the portable mast and we had our first contact with the beam on 14.010 MHz. During the whole afternoon it was a heavy rain so everyone was were wet but glad that we succeeded with the beam.
The bad propagation made it impossible to have our 21MHz sked with Thailand.
The officially opening of SI9AM was held outside "Holmstagården" in front of the outside door to our radio room. Our president SM3CVM/Lars wished everyone welcome and gave us a short background of SI9AM. The municipal commissioners in Ragunda municipality, Bernt Källström, hold the inaugural speech and also gave a CW-key to SI9AM from Ragunda municipality. SM3CWE/Owe represented Sveriges Sändareamatörer, SSA and hand over a SSA standard and he also hand over a Bencher CW-manipulator to SI9AM from the Radio Company "Produktcentrum". SM3JBS/Sven hand over "en väderpinne" a nature barometer. From "Utanede Utv Ek. Society" we got a beautiful flower arrangement and an enlargement of the first side of the Thai Valley brochure. (We are one of the twelve companies/societies who are part of Thai Valley group.) After that we proposed a toast to SI9AM in Italian champagne, which we had got from IK3GES/Gabrielle who visited us on Monday evening. Everyone was then invited to our radio room.
The weather was not on our side.
Five minutes before the opening it started to rain and during the whole ceremony it was a heavy rain. We estimate the visitors to about 50 persons. Among the visitors were Lars Forslund and Per Sune Holmvall from Ragunda municipality and the editor of QTC, SMØRGP/Ernst with XYL Harriet.
The first QSO was made of our vice president SM3FJF/Jörgen who first contacted SK5SSA and than SK0HQ and SI75A.
It was very crowded in the radio room since everyone wanted to see and hear the first QSO. SM3PHZ/Lars-Åke had arranged with a loudspeaker so everyone outside could hear the first QSO.
We were a little disappointed at the heavy rain during the whole ceremony, but now we are glad that the opening was on the 19th. At lunchtime on the 20th all roads around was closed because of heavy rain in the middle part of Sweden and perhaps we have been forced to cancel the whole inauguration.
From Sundsvalls Radioamatörer: SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3CER/Jan-Erik and SM3BQC/Arne
From Jämtlands Radioamatörer: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars
From Ådalens Sändaramatörer: SM3EKD/Tore , SM3FBM/Rolf and SH3ACW/Anders
From Sollefteå Radioklubb:SM3PZV/Bengt.
This was the first meeting after the official opening of SI9AM. We were all very satisfied with the arrangements and very glad that so many could join us on the celebration day. Now we must go on with the work to get ready with the antennas and the radio equipment. We are looking for sponsors who can help us with money or with equipment.
Caretaker of SI9AM is SM3EAE/Lars who are living in Hammarstrand not far away from the pavilion.
We will help SM3CVM/Lars with the QSL-cards. Hopefully we can send the cards to the QSL-bureau in a few weeks.
After the boarding meeting we worked with the antennas.
From Sundsvalls Radioamatörer: SM3LIV/Ulla SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3CER/Jan-Erik and SM3BQC/Arne
From Jämtlands Radioamatörer: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars
From Sollefteå Radioklubb: SM3PZV/Bengt.
We discussed how the work with the mast should continue and we must to wait until the spring because the winter will soon come and we are not ready to dig and found for the mast.
SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3EAE/Lars worked about 300 QSO:s during some hours in the Scandinavian Activity Contest on SSB.
When we operate from SI9AM we shall try to use following frequencies:
CW 3517, 7017, 14017, 21017 and 28017
SSB 3760, 7060, 14210, 21310 and 28510
More photos 1999-2003.
Exhibition during SSA´s annual meeting with the technical exhibition in Karlsborg, we show a computer presentation about SI9AM. We informed about the Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station in Utanede and handed over tourist information about Ragunda and the Thai Pavilion in Utanede. We were represented by the president SM3CVM/Lars and the vice president SM3FJF/Jörgen and the treasurer SM3LIV/Ulla.
Annual meeting During this weekend SK3BG, Sundsvalls Radioamateurs and SK3JR, Jemtland Radioamateurs invited their club members to visit the Amateur Radio Station and work with the special callsign SI9AM. We logged about 130 QSO:s from 3,5 MHz - 145 MHz.
Present during the Annual Meeting:
Jemtlands Radioamatörer
SM3CVM Lars Aronsson
SM3EAE Lars Stöök
Sundsvalls Radioamatörer
SM3ESX Christer Byström
SM3LIV Ulla Norrmén
SM3FJF Jörgen Norrmén
SM3CER Jan Eric Rehn
Ådalens Sändareamatörer
SM3EKD Tore Karlsson
SM3BWJ Kristian Boström
SM3XKW Anders Sahlén
Sollefteå Radioklubb
SM3PZV Bengt Johansson
Tommy Johansson
At the annual meeting we discussed the usual matters such as the annual report and adopt the report and accounts. New in the council are SM3PHZ/Lars-Åke, SM3PZV/Bengt and SM3WMU/Tomas.
After the annual meeting we had a boarding meeting where we set up a technical committee to plan and organize the technical build-up of the Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station. Member in this group are SM3XKW/Anders from SK3IK, SM3TIR/Sven from SK3JR, SM3BQC/Arne from SK3BG and SM3ESX/Christer from SK3BG who also is convenor.
We also set up a marketing group to work with marketing. Member in this group are SM3FJF/Jörgen from SK3BG, SM3CER/Jan Eric from SK3BG and SM3CVM/Lars from SK3JR who also is convenor.
We also discuss the coming work such as digging cables for the antenna.
Present during the working meeting:
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs SM3CVM/Lars, SMEAE/Lars, SM3UKE/Henrik och SM3WYE/Jonas
From Sollefteå Radioclub SM3PZV/Bengt and Tommy
During 2000 the weather hasn’t been on our side when we have had our working meetings. So, we were not surprised when we saw the weather this day. Rain and could about 10 degrees centigrade.
We haven't had any opportunity to get the ordinary mast on the right place so also this summer we have borrowed a portable mast. Our ambitions for this day were to rise the mast with the antenna. But after some hour's work we realized that there were some mechanical works that we couldn't fix this day. But we have learned how the portable mast is constructed.
Present during the workingmeeting:
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs SM3BQC/Arne, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3MHD/Curt.
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs SM3WYE/Jonas
This Monday, which was a holiday in Sweden the work with the portable mast, went on. Unfortunately, we couldn't finish the job but we had however done a lot.
About 30 radioamateurs från Norway and Sweden had meet in Östersund. During this meeting SM3CVM/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen informed and showed a computer presentation about SI9AM.
Present during the working meeting:
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3JVJ/Lars, SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3MQF/Curt
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3IKQ/Tommy and SM3TIR/Sven
From Sollefteå Radioclub SM3PZV/Bengt and Tommy
It was a warm and sunny day. An orchestra was playing outside our QTH when we arrived. Why? The annual ”Indalsleden Loppet” took place this day, and one of the changeover places were outside ”Holmsta Gård”.
We had work to do the whole day, there was a lot of things to do with the beam and with the portable mast. Finally, we could put the beam on the mast and hoist up the antenna and everything seemed to function.
Inside the house SM3BQC/Arne fixed some shelves and SM3CER/Janne worked in All Asia DX Contest.
Present during the working meeting:
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans and SM3LJA/Kent
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs SM3EAE/Lars
This day we arranged the cables and moved the Windom antenna. We took also part in a local Swedish contest on 40 – 80 meters to check the equipment functions.
Present during the working meeting:
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer and SM3FJF/Jörgen
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs SM3EAE/Lars
This evening we made a lot of tests of the antenna system.
We had noticed some problems with the radio equipment, which we didn't manage to solve ourselves. We therefore asked an expert on radio equipment’s in Sundsvall, SM3DVN/Gunnar to help us.
This Sunday SM3DVN/Gunnar and SM3FJF/Jörgen went to Utanede to find out what was wrong. After two hours of testing SM3DVN/Gunnar didn't find anything wrong with the rig and he stated that the fault was on the feeder. Then we began to check all connections on the cables from the antenna to the rig. To our help SM3EAE/Lars arrived and after another two hours we discovered that there was loose contact.
During the annual celebration of the King Chulalongkorn Days we had the Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station open to let everyone who was in the neighborhoods to take a look. The visitors could also run with the special callsign SI9AM without costs. Among other things we also made some work. SM3BQC/Arne mounted the cupboards and the shelves he had built and given to SI9AM. SM3HFD/Håkan worked with the packet radio equipment the whole day.
On July 19, SM3CER/Janne was very active during the whole day with the callsign, and he logged about 600 QSO:s. On July 20-21, SM3LIV/Ulla was very active with the callsign and made about 530 contacts and on July 22, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik was active with the signal SI9AM about 160 QSO:s.
We had a lot visitors during these days. From came Belgium ON9CLV/Kent (home call SM0ELV) and his son Björn. From Stockholm came SM0RGP/Ernst with wife Hariet and SM5GHD/Lassse with his daughter. From Strömsund came SM3XCS/Thomas with his parents. From Hudiksvall came SM3FT/Lars, who gave us a packet modem. Of course, there came a lot of amateurs from the radio amateur clubs in Sollefteå, Östersund, Kramfors and Sundsvall.
Present during the phone meeting:
From FRO Sollefteå, SM3PHZ/Lars-Åke
From Gullängets Radioamateurs, SM3WMU/Tomas
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik and SM3TIR/Sven
From Sollefteå Radioclub, SM3PZV/Bengt
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs, SM3CER/Janne, SM3EX/Christer and SM3FJF/Jörgen
From Ådalens Radioamateurs, SM3EKD/Tore
A phone meeting was held to inform everybody of what have happened lately. We have bought a mast, which have been transported by truck from the northern part of Sweden. We have also been granted money for a EU-project to build up the Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station in Utanede.
DiscussionPresent during the workingmeeting:
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3UQO/Björn
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs SM3CVM/Lars, SM3TIR/Sven and SM3UKE/Henrik
From Sollefteå Radioclub SM3PHZ/Lars-Åke, SM3PZV/Bengt and Tommy
This Saturday afternoon we meet to discuss the work we are going to do during this autumn. The first thing we have to do is dig down the cables and dig and found for the mast. But before we do it we must decide how we will arrange the whole thing. We have a lot of ideas how to do it and we must very soon take a final decision about the best and easiest way to do it. As you all know there is a lot of things to think about. We examined the mast and we had a long discussion with Anders Lundström, who we are going to engage to do some of the jobs.
Sunday September 2, 2001
Phone meeting
Present during the phone meeting:
From FRO Sollefteå, SM3PHZ/Lars-Åke
From Gullängets Radioamateurs, SM3WMU/Tomas
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs, SM3CVM/Lars and SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik
From Sollefteå Radioclub, SM3PZV/Bengt and SM3TSZ/Mauritz
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3UQO/Björn
From Ådalens Radioamateurs, SM3EKD/Tore
A phone meeting to discuss where we should place our order for the base of the mast. We decided to place the order to the construction firm "Byggnadsfirma C. Lundström & Co AB" in Utanede.
Thursday September 6, 2001
SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3EAE/Lars had a meeting with the mechanical firm "BIMAB Bispgårdens Maskin AB" and the construction firm "Byggnadsfirma C. Lundström & Co AB". We made an agreement that we should fix the bolts and "BIMAB Bispgårdens Maskin AB" fix the mechanical welding.
Tuesday September 11, 2001
We had managed to find the right sort of bolts which we sent by bus to Bispgården.
Monday September 17, 2001
The digging for the base of the mast starts.
Friday September 21, 2001
The base of the mast is now founded.
Wednesday September 26, 2001
Phone meeting
Present during the phone meeting:
From Gullängets Radioamateurs, SM3WMU/Tomas
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs, SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars
From Sollefteå Radioclub, SM3PZV/Bengt and SM3TSZ/Mauritz
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen
From Ådalens Radioamateurs, SM3EKD/Tore
We informed everybody what had happen lately and discussed what was going to happen during the working meeting on Saturday.
SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3CER/Janne paid a visit to Bispgårdens Technical School, BTS, in Bispgården and met 55 students. They showed digital presentations and informed the students about amateur radio. They demonstrated a QSO on 2 meter. Present during this information and demonstration was also the teacher SM3JJI/Jan Johansson.
In the afternoon in Utanede, SM3BQC/Arne mounted another cupboard that he had built and given to SI9AM. He has also mounted a letter box which he had built. If you visit us but no one can show our club station you can put a message in the letter box outside the front door.
In the evening 5 members of SK5CG "Föreningen Aktiva Synskadade" visited SI9AM, they stayed until Sunday.
Present during the working meeting:
From FRO Sollefteå, SM3PHZ/Lars-Åke
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs, SM3EAE/Lars
From Kungsgårdens Radioclub, SM3VAC/Magnus and SM3XRA/Bengt
From Sollefteå Radioclub, SM3PZV/Bengt
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3JVJ/Lars, SM3MQF/Curt and SM3UQO/Björn
Others, Gunnar Höglund
A cold day with a blue sky. (It was not raining!). We dig down all the cables from the house to the mast. To our help we have an excavator but there was although a hard work for all the men who have gathered this Saturday in September.
When the members of SK5CG went back to Stockholm after their visit at SI9AM, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3JVJ/Lars showed SK3BG:s club station in Sundsvall.
SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3MQF/Curt have again visited Bispgårdens Technical School, BTS, in Bispgården and talked with the students and the technical teacher SM3JJI/Jan about amateur radio.
During the afternoon SM3BQC/Arne came and some works were done at SI9AM. Draining holes were drilled in the mast. A hole for cables into the house has also been drilled.
SM3CER/Janne was QRV on the frequencies and run 147 QSO:s.
Present during the whole weekend or part of the weekend:
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3URI/Stig-Ove.
From Sollefteå Radioclub, SM3PZV/Bengt and Tommy
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3MQF/Curt.
Saturday and Sunday, November 10 - 11, 2001, we arranged a weekend-meeting at SI9AM. Our aim was to get some experience from different transceivers in the existing environment and to find out which one we are going to buy.
When we tested the transceivers, we didn't in the first-hand think of technical performances instead we were thinking of an equipment easy to use for the visitors.
During the weekend we tested new radio equipment’s from ICOM, YAESU and KENWOOD. We started on Saturday at 10.00 GMT and finished at 13.00 GMT on Sunday.
On Saturday during 13.30 - 15.30 GMT we had a boarding-meeting. We discussed what transceiver we should buy and decided to let the members come with their wishes and write a demand specification. The demand specifications from the members will be put together by SM3HFD/Håkan.
SM3CVM/Lars, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3FJF/Jörgen stay the night at SI9AM.
Present during the whole weekend or part of the weekend:
From Jemtlands Radioamateurs, SM3EAE/Lars.
From Sundsvalls Radioamateurs, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne and SM3FJF/Jörgen.
From Ådalens Radioamateurs, SM3DMP/Tomas.
We worked CQ WW DX Contest on CW, November 24 - 25, 2001.
Late on Friday evening November 23, SM3CER/Janne and SM3FJF/Jörgen arrived to SI9AM. Besides existing radio equipment, we had a Kenwood TS 440S AT with a W3DZZ to listen for multipliers.
At 01.00 on Saturday morning (00.00 GMT) the contest started. Unfortunately, there was an unwanted aurora borealis which sometimes made it impossible to hear anything. During Saturday SM3BQC/Arne, SM3DMP/Tomas and SM3EAE/Lars joined us.
At 13.00 on Sunday, we finished the contest. When we came home to our own QTH we heard that the aurora borealis was not so strong. In the evening it was much better conditions it was for example open against North America. In spite of the aurora borealis we worked 810 QSO:s on 1,8 – 28 MHz. We all thought that it was very fun and will go one with contests during 2002.
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