DIARY SI9AM 2004-2005

The story of SI9AM

The first QSO with the special callsign SI9AM was on July 16, 1999 at 17.00 UTC.

The offical opening of SI9AM was on July 19, 2000.

Here you can follow what has happened since the first QSO in 1999 and until we closed down the visitor station SI9AM in December 2020.

The text (1999 to May 2012) is from the si9am.se website, which will be closed down in the summer 2021.  However, some minor adjustments have been made of the original text.


DIARY 2004


  • A little refrigerator February 13, 2004
  • Phone meeting February 19, 2004


  • Annual meeting April 3, 2004
  • Boarding meeting April 3, 2004
  • Preparing meeting April 25, 2004


  • Work at SI9AM May 15, 2004
  • CQ WPX CW May 29-30, 2004
  • Activity from the Thai Teak House Monday May 31, 2004



  • Phone meeting Monday July 5 , 2004
  • Open House, Exhibition and Conference July 16-19, 2004
  • Guestoperators from LA, July 23-25, 2004


  • Activity from the "White House" August 7 and 28, 2004


  • Scandinavian Activity Contest SSB September 18-19, 2004
  • Guest operators from Germany, September 24-27, 2004




We have bought a little refrigerator. SM3CER/Janne and SM3FJF/Jörgen went to SI9AM and installed it. Now we can put our milk and butter in the refrigerator or drink cold drink during warm days.



Present during the phone meeting.

From FRO-section in Sollefteå: SM3GHE/Nils

From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars und SM3EAE/Lars

From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt

From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla

From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3EKD/Tore


During the meeting following was discussed/reported:


  • Amateur radio from the Teak-house
  • Working-meeting on May 15, 2004
  • Articles in the Norwegian newspaper and in CQ DL
  • Renting of SI9AM
  • The Award
  • Annual meeting April 03, 2004 in Sundsvall




Many hams, about 27 persons, had come to our annual meeting, which this year took place in Sundsvall. We met at about fourteen a clock. Before the annual meeting for SI9AM a meeting for the third call area had taken place in the same place. It was Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs, SK3BG, who had arranged the both meetings.


We started the meeting with a DVD-movie about the Thai Pavilion. SM3CVM/Lars president of SI9AM wished everyone welcome and presented an agenda that we accepted. To chairman for the annual meeting, we elected SM3CVM/Lars, to secretary we elected SM3ESX/Christer and we elected SM3WMU/Tomas and SM3XRA/Bengt, to sign the minutes. SM3LIV/Ulla presented the annual report for 2003. Then some elections for the new council was made and then the meeting was closed and SM3CVM/Lars thanked all who had come.



Present during the boarding meeting.

From FRO-section in Sollefteå: SM3GHE/Nils

From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars

From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt

From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla


After the annual meeting we had a boarding-meeting.


During the meeting following was discussed/reported:


  • The budget for 2004
  • How shall we market SI9AM?
  • The working meeting on May 15, 2004
  • Amateur Radio Demonstration at the Teak House four times during the summer
  • Guest certificate




From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne and SM3FJF/Jörgen


Before the working meeting in May we went to Utanede and checked what we have to do before our guest arrives. We also did some cleaning work.


WORK AT SI9AM MAY 15, 2004

Present during the work:

From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3EAE/Lars, SM3GHN/Jan-Bertil and SM3YKU/Håkan

From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt and Tommy

From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3MQF/Curt


This Saturday it was not so warm but we were glad the there was no rain. We mounted down the borrowed mast. It was a hard work and it was not so easy to find out where everything should be, but at least we managed to what we thought was the right thing. Inside two electricians installed more switches and made everything more practicality.


CQ WPX CW FROM SI9AM MAY 29 – 30, 2004

Early in the evening on May 28, SM3EAE/Lars arrived to SI9AM for a sked with Thailand. Later SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3TLA/Anders and Andrea arrived to SI9AM to prepare for the contest. The log program was tested and an extra multiband antenna was placed in the threes. They worked 2.476 QSOs.



To show amateur radio for visitors of the Thai Pavilion we operated during five hours from The Thai Teak House. It was SM3CER/Janne and SM3FJF/Jörgen and who answered a lot of question and showed how we make a QSO.


Visiting amateurs this day was SM5DCO/Conny and SM3OJR/Jonathan.



Present during the phone meeting:

From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3DAL/Ove, SM3EAE/Lars und SM3TIR/Sven

From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt

From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla


During the meeting following was discussed/reported:


  • Open House, Exhibitions and Gateway during July 16 - 19.
  • Renting of SI9AM
  • The Guest Award




Exhibition, Conference and Open House, Thursday-Monday, July 16-19, 2004


Every year Ragunda Municipality celebrates King Chulalongkorns visit in Utanede in July 19, 1897.


During July 16 – 17 it was a conference “Gateway for exchange Thailand & Northern Europe” in Ragunda with participants from Sweden and Thailand.


Ragunda Municipality had also this year invited us to show amateur radio and inform about SI9AM inside the Thai Pavilion area during July 16 – 19. During these days we also showed our Visitor´s Amateur Radio Station SI9AM.

July 15, 2004

At lunchtime on Thursday SM3BQC/Arne, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans and SM3LIV/Ulla went to Utanede to build up the exhibition inside the Thai Pavilion area. This year we had our exhibition in the “White House”, a little white building near the Thai Pavilion.

July 16, 2004

On Friday July 16, SM3CVM/Lars took part in the Gateway Conference in Ragunda.


At the exhibition inside the Thai Pavilion are and at the Visitor´s amateur radio station following radio amateurs worked:

SM3DAL/Ove, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3LIV/Ulla and SM3TIR/Sven.


This was a nice day, and we showed amateur radio and of course informed about our Visitor´s amateur radio station.


Among the visitors at our exhibition, we found SM3HKN/Kenneth, SM3BCS/Eskil and SM3GUE/Mats.

July 17, 2004

On Saturday July 17, SM3CVM/Lars took part in the Gateway Conference in Ragunda.


At the exhibition inside the Thai Pavilion and at the Visitor´s amateur radio station following radio amateurs worked:

SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3JVJ/Lars and SM3LIV/Ulla.


It's was still very fine weather. Among the visitors at our exhibition, we found SM3YVP/Peter who arrived on his motorbike and SM5WPT/Roger and SM3YCW/Walter also known as DJØKAR and his daughter Katharina, SM3SDD/Bengt and SM3ZTU/Lars.

July 18, 2004 

On Sunday July 18, SM3CVM/Lars took part in the Gateway Conference in Ragunda.


At the exhibition inside the Thai Pavilion and at the Visitor´s amateur radio station following radio amateurs worked:

SM3BIL/Owe, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3DAL/Owe, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3GSK/Clas-Olof, SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3TIR/Sven and SM3YKF/Kent.


Among the visitors at our exhibition, we found SN3UNK/Roger, SM5CQR/Rolf with Inez, SM3PZV/Bengt with his family.


At 10.05 local time there was ceremony at King Chulalongkorn Memorial building in memorial of King Chulalongkorns visit 107 years ago.


Thai Minister of Culture H.E. Minister Anurak Chureemas made a visit at our exhibition and signed our guestbook and also the special “Congratulation book” that now have sent to Queen Sirikit, HS1B on the 72nd birthday.

Thai Minister of Culture H.E. Minister Anurak Chureemas made a visit at our exhibition and signed our guestbook and also the special “Congratulation book” that now have sent to Queen Sirikit, HS1B on the 72nd birthday.

SI9AM celebrates its fifth anniversary with a special contact HS72B were we send our greetings to Queen Sirikit, HS1B on her 72nd birthday. From SI9AM, Maggi Mikalesson, Governor Jämtland County, and Elisabet Yngström, Chariman Execuite Board, Ragunda Municipality, Vanida Granli, President of Thai Society in Östersund and other radio amateurs send their messages to the Queen. In Thailand Permanent Secretary to the Minister of Culture in the Royal Thai Government, M. R. Chakrarot Chitrabongs, HS1VRD, and Mayuree, HS1YL, President of RAST sends greetings to us.

From RAST, Radio Amateur Society of Thailand's website.


Commemorative QSO with SI9AM takes place July 18


A special commemorative QSO between Thailand and northern Sweden is scheduled for the evening of Sunday, July 18, one that will mark the fifth anniversary of the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Amateur Radio Station.


This HF radio contact is to be made from the newly-completed HS0AC club station at the Asian Institute of Technology using the callsign HS72B will be with the memorial station in Sweden that uses the special callsign SI9AM.


RAST will welcome three special guests coming to the event, M.R. Chakrarot Chitrabongs HS1VRD (Permanent Secretary to the Minister of Culture in the Royal Thai Government), Mr Tsuneo Hara JA8ATG, President of the Japan UNICEF Ham Club, and member of the JARL Board, and his daughter Sachai.


On the Swedish side we will have the County Governor and other dignitaries, including many Thais present for the celebration of the 107th anniversary of King Chulalongkorn's visit to northern Sweden. They will exchange greetings with our special guests and RAST officers. Unfortunately RAST President Mayuree Chotikul, HS1YL, is in hospital for some urgent medical treatment, and will not be able to attend the event. She hopes to be out of hospital in about a weeks time. Everyone at RAST wishes her a speedy recovery.


The 20 metre QSOs between SI9AM and HS72B (14275 KHz primary, 14283 KHz secondary) will start at 9pm Thailand time (1400 GMT) and will be relayed by 2m VHF on to the HS1AB repeater in central Bangkok. The repeater output (RX)frequency is 145.6750 MHz and the input (TX) frequency is 145.0750 MHz. We are grateful to the Station Manager and VRA for permission to use the repeater during the evening. After the special QSOs are completed there will be an opportunity for Swedish HF stations to work HS72B, and then Thai HF stations to work SI9AM or HS72B. After that we will try to cross band QSOs from 2m to 20m via the HS1AB repeater. Major Narissara HS1CHB will control the QSOs.


If this process is not challenging enough, we will then attempt with the help of Khun Joe HS2JFW to connect echolink QSOs via HS1AB into HS72B.


It is difficult to fix the exact timing of each stage since it depends on radio conditions, the number of stations involved, and the technical complexity and success of the hook-ups. So please monitor the frequencies to hear announcements, and stay around to hear the fun. We expect to be at HS72B at least until midnight.


Frequencies to check:

14.275 or 14.283 MHz for SI9AM and HS72B (located at HS0AC)

145.6750 HS1AB Repeater output in central Bangkok.

A pavilion and shrine in a small Swedish community of Utan Ude in Ragunda municipality just south of the Arctic circle marks a visit there by King Chulalongkorn slightly over 100 years ago. July 18 will mark the fifth anniversary of the establishment of the memorial to the Thai king.

Every year Ragunda Municipality celebrates King Chulalongkorn's visit to Utanede in July 19, 1897 and last year it was 150 years since King Chulalongkorn was born and there were big celebrations in the Thai Pavilion area. This year was also celebrated in a big way. For more information, see the SI9AM website.

SM3CVM/Lars, President of SI9AM, (left) welcomes HS1VRD, M.R. Chakrarot Chitrabongs from Thailand. To the right SM3TIR/Sven. M.R. Chakrarot Chitrabongs represents the Secretary General Office of National Culture Commission in Thailand.

On July 17 – 18 last year there was a big international conference (Gateway for exchange Thailand and Northern Europe there) in Ragunda with participants from Sweden, Thailand and the European Union. The purpose of the conference was to build up a centre of culture and conference chairmen were Permanent Secretary Ministry of Culture M. R. Chakrarot Chitrabongs, HS1VRD, and the governor of Jamtland County Ms. Maggi Mikaelsson. Ragunda Municipality had also invited SI9AM to demonstrate amateur radio and inform people about SI9AM inside the Thai Pavilion area in an exhibition marquee during July 17 – 19, 2003.

July 19, 2004

At 10.00 local time there was ceremony at King Chulalongkorn Memorial building in memorial of King Chulalongkorn, with lot of flowers and gifts.


At the exhibition inside the Thai Pavilion and at the Visitor´s amateur radio station following radio amateurs worked:

SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans SM3GHE/Nils and SM3LIV/Ulla.


Among the visitors at our exhibition we found LB1AF/Per-Olav who also visited us last year.



Mail (in Norwegian) from LA7FW/Tor to SM3CVM/Lars


Monday, July 26, 2004


Hei Lars!




Nå er vi vel tilbake i LA-land igjen, bortsett fra 2 stykker som åker rundt i Jämtland fortfarande, HI!


Vi fikk utmerket service fra Lasse SM3EAE! Lett å finne etter beskrivelsen. Vi ringte også en halv time på forhånd, i tilfelle han skulle stenge butikken. Han kjørte foran oss, og loset oss fram til Holmstagården. Der traff jeg en bekjent! Jeg hadde spurt Lasse om det var flere som het Astrid H. Det trodde han ikke, og da alderen passet, og gården likeså, skjønte jeg at det måtte være samme Astrid jeg hadde lekt med i 1964!!!, under et familiebesøk, som kom istand etter at min mor og Astrids mormor hadde brevvekslet gjennom MOROKULIEN i lang tid... Astrid ble bortimot chockad, når jeg viste fram 40 år gamle bilder, med henne i mine armer! Det ble flere gode kramar og hilsner til hennes morsa. Astrid m/familie kommer på gjenvisitt, senere i sommer! Dette ble rene solskinnshistorien, HI!


Vi har hatt en trevlig helg, og blitt kjent med hverandre. Det var jo det som var det primære. XYL's & harmoniske og flere av HAM-sen, hadde f.eks. bare hørt røster i høgtalarne. Nå kan de også se ansikten foran seg. Lisensinnehaverne er jo også relativt ferske som HAMs, og vi syns at det sosiale er vel så viktig som å sitte ensom i radiorommet.


Som du sier, conds was poor! Men noen kontakter ble det. Alle QSO's, bortsett fra den første som står i loggboken, ligger på PC!


Vi spiste godt, og humøret var på topp. På lørdag i regnværet, oppfylte vi XYL's ønsker om shopping. Noen dro til Sundsvall, og andre til Hammarstrand. Var også innom flere "loppisar", og gjorde fynd! De er ikke så vanlige i Norge.

Vi tok en god del dig. bilder, så jeg legger ved bare et par eks. På søndag kveld hadde jeg et kort referat på vår lokale QST-Fosen sending. Du skal ikke se bort fra at vi tar en tur et annet år! Kanskje med flere deltagere, HI!SI9AM


Bildet på trappen viser alle deltagerne. Bak til venstre er LA3RLA Kai Rune. Så kommer LA3WMA m/XYL Norunn og datter Hilde (maskotten vår, HI!) Helt til høyre LA6VNA Tom Rune, og med familien foran seg: Kristian 5 år, XYL Linda og Petter 7 år. Foran til venstre med hver sin hund, LA3TMA Morten og XYL Nina. I midten LA3XMA Odd og LA7FW Tor.

Reparasjon av mikeconnector foretas av uheldige LA3WMA til venstre, og LA3TMA Morten som var parat med verktøy og kunnskap. LA3RLA Kai tar nærbilde.


Hilde foran Paviljongen.


Vil sende flere bilder når jeg mottar de andre fotografenes "blinkskudd".


Har vært innom SI9AM WEB. Finner bilder og tekst fra forrige helg, men det går uvanlig langsomt å få sidene fram. Forstår at dere hadde besøk av LB1AF Per-Olav! Han ble tilfeldigvis vår første QSO!


På vegne av LA2U FOSENGRUPPEN av NRRL, vil jeg få lov å takke for at vi fikk besøke SI9AM, og at alt var lagt så fint til rette for oss.


Tor Hoff


PS: Har ikke noe imot at du fritt kan legge ut det du ønsker på SI9AM WEB. Jeg kommer også til å sende noe stoff til NRRL's medlemsblad AMATØRRADIO etter hvert.




To show amateur radio for visitors of the Thai Pavilion we operated during some hours during two Saturdays from the “White House”. It was SM3CVM/Lars, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik and SM3VRG/Karl-Gunnar who answered a lot of question and showed how we make our QSOs.




SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3WMU/Tomas had decided to work SAC, Scandinavian Activity contest on CW. They worked as Multi operator, Single transmitter and 1.348 QSO:s were logged. This is fun contest for Scandinavians so we need to give priority to this contest and we welcome more amateurs to join us next year.


Visitors during the contest were SM3AQC/Lars, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3VRG/K-G and SM3YRG/Kerstin.


Guest operators from Germany, September 24-27, 2004

Guest-operators at SI9AM, DF6JC/Joerg and DL1EJS/Stefan from Germany.

We waited on Sundsvall/Härnösand Airport when they arrived September 24. They had booked a rental car for their stay in Sweden. DF6JC/Joerg , DL1EJS/Stefan and SM3FJF/Jörgen got a cup of coffee at SM3CER/Jannes QTH. After that Joerg and Stefan went to Utanede.


More photos 2004 - 2008.



DIARY 2005


  • Phone meeting January 20, 2005


  • Annual meeting April 23, 2005


  • Demonstration amateur radio May 21, 2005
  • CQ WPX Contest CW May 28-29, 2005



  • Work at SI9AM June 12, 2005
  • Demonstration of amateur radio June 18, 2005
  • Demonstration of amateur radio and work at SI9AM June 19, 2005


  • Phone meeting July 6, 2005
  • Work at SI9AM, July 8, 2005
  • Demonstration of amateur radio July 16-19, 2005


  • Demonstration of amateur radio and work at SI9AM, August 6 2005
  • Phone meeting August 10, 2005
  • Demonstration of amateur radio and work at SI9AM, August 27 2005


  • Work at SI9AM, September 2- 3, 2005
  • Guest Operators DL5LYM/Tom and DL3DXX/Dietmar September 15 - 19, 2005


  • Boarding meeting, October 8, 2005
  • Chulalongkorn Day, October 23, 2005


  • Work at SI9AM December 4, 2005



Phone Meeting

Thursday January 20, 2005



Present during the phone meeting.

From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3DAL/Ove, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3TIR/Sven and SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik

From FRO Sollefteå : SM3PHZ/Bengt

From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla

From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3KJA/Markku

From Kungsgårdens Radio Club: SM3WMU/Tomas


During the meeting following was discussed/reported:


  • SM3FJF/Jörgen at "Radioträff Syd" in Ystad August 19-22, 2004.
  • SM3CVM/Lars at the SEANET convention in Thailand in November, 2004
  • After the tsunami - donations to the Thai Government through RAST
  • Financial report
  • Budget for 2005
  • Our annual meeting
  • Work at SI9AM
  • Demonstration of amateur radio from the "White house"
  • SSA ham convention in Karlsborg


Annual meeting

Saturday April 23, 2005


Annual meeting

About 20 persons, had come to our annual meeting, which this year took place at Bispgården Technical School in Bispgården. We started with coffee and bread and butter.


SM3CVM/Lars, president of SI9AM, wished everyone welcome and presented an agenda that we accepted. To chairman for the annual meeting we elected SM3CVM/Lars, to secretary we elected SM3ESX/Christer and we elected SM3CWE/Owe and SA3ADT/Roland to sign the minutes. An alteration of the statutes was approved which means that radio amateur clubs in Gävleborg laen can be members of SI9AM. SM3LIV/Ulla presented the annual report for 2004. Then some elections for the new council was made and then the meeting was closed and SM3CVM/Lars thanked all who hade come.



After a short break we had a boarding-meeting.


During the meeting following was discussed/reported:


  • Budget 2005
  • Coming activities
  • Working plan for the council
  • Lunch
  • After lunch at Hotel Indalsleden we went to the visiting amateur radio station to do some works. 


Demonstration of Amateur Radio Saturday

May 21, 2005



Thai boxing

Lars Forslund from Ragunda municipality and responsible for the tourism activities visited us and informed us about the activities during the summer around the Thai Pavilion. Among other things it will be Thai boxing on June 18-19 inside the Thai pavilion area.


"The White House"

To show amateur radio for visitors of the Thai Pavilion we operated during four hours from "The White House" inside the Thai pavilion area with the call sign SI9AM. The weather was not on our side this day and it was few visitors at the Pavilion this day because it was cold, about 12-13 degrees centigrade and rainy.



We also worked at the visiting amateur radio station.


CQ WPX Contest CW

May 28 - 29, 2005



Contest team

The last weekend in May SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen met in Utanede to work CQ WPX Contest on CW.



They started on Friday evening May 27 at 22.00 local to mount an extra antenna for listening and arrange for an extra station for listening.



They worked until Sunday afternoon 18.00 local time and then they had 2.211 QSOs in the log, 713 prefixes and a final score of 2.963.228 points.



During the contest SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3BQC/Arne worked with the antennas for internet.


Work at SI9AM

June 12, 2005



One evening in June SM3BQC/Arne and SM3FJF/Jörgen mounts a bookshelf which SM3BQC/Arne has built. They also make some preparation for further work at SI9AM.


Demonstration of Amateur Radio

Saturday June 18, 2005


To show amateur radio for visitors of the Chulalongkorn Memorial building we operated during four hours from "The White House" inside the Thai pavilion area with the call sign SI9AM. It was SM3CVM/Lars, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik and SM3TIR/Sven from Jemtlands Radio amateurs, SK3JR.


Demonstration of Amateur Radio and work at SI9AM

Sunday June 19, 2005



To show amateur radio for visitors of the Chulalongkorn Memorial building we operated during four hours from "The White House" inside the Thai pavilion area with the call sign SI9AM.


It was SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3FWT/Hans from Sundsvalls Radio amateurs, SK3BG who was in the “White House”.


SM3BQC/Arne and SM3HFD/Håkan worked with the internet installation and for the first time we now have Internet in the schack.


SM3CER/Janne worked from the schack and he logged about 200 QSOs.


In the pavilion area you also could look at Thai boxing.


Phone Meeting

Wednesday July 6, 2005



Present during the phone meeting.

From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3TIR/Sven

From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla

From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3DMP/Tomas

From Gävle Shortwave amateurs: SM3RMH/Lars


During the meeting following was discussed/reported:


  • Printing new QSL-cards
  • Report from Friedrichshafen
  • Financial report
  • Work at SI9AM
  • Guest operators
  • Demonstration of amateur radio from the "White house"
  • Internet at SI9AM
  • Our website
  • Next meeting August 10, 2005


Work at SI9AM

July 8, 2005



SM3BQC/Arne and SM3FJF/Jörgen went to Utanede to do some work. In the schack they mounted borders over the cables. The borders are made by SM3BQC/Arne.


Demonstration of amateur radio

July 16-19 2005


SI9AM shows Amateur radio during 4 days in the Thai Pavilion area

During four days we showed amateur radio for visitors at the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Building. Of course, we joined the annual celebrations. July 19, 2005 when it was 108 years since King Chulalongkorn visited Utanede. In the Thai Pavilion Area, you also could see Thai and Swedish handicraft. Outside the Thai Pavilion Area there was a Thai Market.

July 15

On afternoon July 15, 2005, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla went to Utanede to mount the antennas for shortwave and 2 meters and arrange for the demonstration of amateur radio.

July 16

On July 16, 2005, SM3CER/Janne SM3DMP/Tomas SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla were in the “White House” next to the King Chulalongkorn Building. Unfortunately, it was very rainy this day but there were several visitors who dropped in to know more about ham radio.

July 17

On July 17, 2005, SM3CVM/Lars and SM3TIR/Sven were in the “White House” next to the King Chulalongkorn Building. It was sunshine the whole day and some visitors dropped in to get information about amateur radio.

July 18

On July 18, 2005, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, and SM3LIV/Ulla were in the “White House” next to the King Chulalongkorn Building.


5 minutes before 10.00 a clock local time it was a Thai ceremony (Phiti buang suang ceremoni) with a speech of General Chetta Thanajaro.


A lot of visitors dropped in to know more about amateur radio and also some hams visited us SM3BIL/Ove, SM3GSK/Classe and Marianne, SM3XMP/Per. It was sunshine almost the whole day and two of the hams who visited us were SMØPSO/Ove and SMØOTB/Joel who had rent SI9AM for five days.

July 19

On July 19, 2005 , SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans and SM3LIV/Ulla were in the “White House” next to the King Chulalongkorn Building.


5 minutes before 10.00 a clock local time it was a ceremony at the Pavilion and a lot of flower arrangement and other gifts were given to the statue of King Chulalongkorn. Among the participators in the ceremony there was the Thai ambassador in Sweden, Apichart Chinwanno, with wife and the former defence minister General Chetta Thanajaro.


Among the visitors in our QTH the “White House” was Thai ambassador in Sweden, Apichart Chinwanno and SMØRYG/Sten, SM5KFL/Lasse, SM2EBH/Thommy, SM5TEY/Roland with Agneta.


Demonstration of Amateur Radio and work at SI9AM

Saturday August 6, 2005



To show amateur radio for visitors of the Chulalongkorn Memorial building we operated during four hours from "The White House" inside the Thai pavilion area with the call sign SI9AM. It was SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3VRG/K-G who was in the “White House”.


SM3ESX/Christer worked the whole day with an interface for RTTY.


During the demonstration in July two boys, Lars-Erik and Per-Olof, visited us and they became very interested in our hobby. This day SM3FJF/Jörgen showed them the radio equipment in the shack and told them more about how to be a ham.


Phone Meeting

Wednesday August 10, 2005


Present during the phone meeting.

From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3DAL/Ove

From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla

From Kungsgårdens Radio Club: SM3WMU/Tomas


During the meeting following was discussed/reported:


  • Financial report
  • Work at SI9AM
  • Guest operators
  • Demonstration of amateur radio from the "White house"
  • Internet at SI9AM
  • Our website www.si9am.se
  • Next meeting in Östersund September 8 , 2005


Demonstration of Amateur Radio and work at SI9AM
Saturday August 27, 2005


To show amateur radio for visitors of the Chulalongkorn Memorial building we operated during four hours from "The White House" inside the Thai pavilion area with the call sign SI9AM. It was SM3BQC/ Arne, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3FWT/Hans who was in the “White House”.


SM3BQC/Arne mounted a shelf in our cellar.


Work at SI9AM
Saturday and Sunday September 2-3, 2005


SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne and SM3FJF/Jörgen works and run amateur radio from SI9AM during 2 days.


They upgrade the computers and cleaned the store in the cellar. They worked 155 QSO with radio amateur radio stations who joined the region 1 field day.


They also got the opportunity to show SI9AM for Manne who works as a guide at the Thai Pavilion.


Guest Operators DL5LYM/Tom and DL3DXX/Dietmar
2005-09-15 – -  2005-09-19

DL5LYM/Tom and DL3DXX/Dietmar rented SI9AM for the Scandinavian Activity Contest on CW in September 2005.

They arrived to Sweden and made a stop in Sundsvall on September 15, 2005 and they visited Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs, SK3BG. Some hams showed them around at SK3BG and of course they discussed the coming contest.

At SI9AM they mounted a vertical antenna for 80 meter and 4 elements mono bander for 20 meter with some assistance from SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars.

"We spent a weekend to operate the SAC CW contest together with SM3EAE and SM3CVM. We had a lot of fun during the contest and learned that the bands above 20 MHz are mostly closed high in the northern part of Europe. Nevertheless, happy with the result of about 1600 QSO´s and 185 multipliers. Many thanks for loaning us the station and for allowing us to install additional antennas. SI9AM will be an unforgettable event."

Tom - DL5LYM

Dietmar – DL3DXX


Boarding meeting
Saturday October 8, 2005


Twice a year hams in the third call area met and discussed amateur-radio. This Saturday hams met in Östersund. After the SM3-meeting SI9AM had a boarding meeting.

Following was discussed/reported:

  • Rental
  • Printing more QSl-cards
  • Financial report
  • Coming activities
  • Checking the fuse


Chulalongkorn Day
October 23, 2005


King Chulalongkorn the Great, Rama V (Royal name: Phra Chula Chomklao Chaoyuhua; (September 20, 1853 - October 23, 1910) was the fifth king of the Chakri dynasty of Thailand. He is regarded as one of the greatest kings of Thailand. The date of his death, October 23, 1910, is commemorated as a national holiday. Also in Utanede his death is remembered every year.

This day SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3FWT/Hans took part of the celebrations at the Thai Pavilion. Later we worked with the call sign SI9AM from the Visiting Amateur Radio Station. We also started to program a 2-meters amateur radio station and tried to connect two contest computers in a network.


Work at SI9AM
December 4, 2005


SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne and SM3FJF/Jörgen continued the work with programming a 2-meters radio station. We also got about 50 QSOs on 80-meter.


More photos 2004 - 2008.


Read diary 2006 - 2007.
