The story of SI9AM
The first QSO with the special callsign SI9AM was on July 16, 1999 at 17.00 UTC.
The offical opening of SI9AM was on July 19, 2000.
Here you can follow what has happened since the first QSO in 1999 and until we closed down the visitor station SI9AM in December 2020.
The text (1999 to May 2012) is from the website, which will be closed down in the summer 2021. However, some minor adjustments have been made of the original text.
Present during the phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CWE/Owe, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Kungsgårdens Radio Club: SM3WMU/Tomas
From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3DMP/Tomas
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen worked NRAU Baltic Contest on CW/SSB. Before and after this contest they worked on 80 meter SSB.
Present during the phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Present during the phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3CER/Janne and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt
From FRO Sollefteå : SM3GHE/Nils
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Annual meeting
Present during the annual meeting: SA3ADT/Roland, SM3BPY/Sölve, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3PZV/Bengt with YL, SM3TIR/Sven, SM3UMW/Lars, SM3UQO/Björn and SM3ZBB/Lars
15 persons had come to our annual meeting, which this year took place in Sundsvall.
SM3CVM/Lars, president of SI9AM, wished everyone welcome and presented an agenda that we accepted. To chairman for the annual meeting, we elected SM3CVM/Lars, to secretary we elected SM3ESX/Christer and we elected SM3FWT/Hans and SM3UMW/Lars to sign the minutes. SM3LIV/Ulla presented the annual report for 2005. Then some elections for the new council was made and then the meeting was closed and SM3CVM/Lars thanked all who had come.
Present during the phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM33ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt
From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3DMP/Thomas
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
On Eastern day, April 16, SM3CVM/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen went to SI9AM to discuss what to do on the Working Day at SI9AM on May the 6th. Of course, they had some contacts on 80 meter also.
Reine and Siv Svensson have bought “Holmstagården” and some of the buildings around. They have also moved to Utanede and are looking for a place to live. Reine and Siv will run “Holmstagården” with the restaurant and the hotel room.
Petra, Stefan and Sara are going to run “Terasspaviljongen”, the restaurant opposite the Thai Pavilion.
Lars and Jörgen have had phone contacts with the new owner, but this day they had the opportunity to meet and discuss how they together can market Utanede.
During the ham radio exhibition with SSA´s annual meeting in Luleå, we show a computer presentation about SI9AM. We informed about the Visiting Amateur Radio Station in Utanede and handed over tourist information about Ragunda and the Thai Pavilion in Utanede.
The vice-president SM3FJF/Jörgen and the treasurer SM3LIV/Ulla represented us.
Fine weather
We couldn’t have chosen a better day to work at SI9AM. The sun was shining from a clear blue sky the whole day. It was about 24 degrees centigrade, which is extremely warm for this time in the year.
First to arrive
The first hams arrived at 09.00 local time and they made coffee
13 hams
13 hams took part of the work during the day. From Östersund come SM3CVM/Lars, from Hamarstrand SM3EAE/Lars, from Sollefteå SM3PZV/Bengt and his son Tommy, from Föllinge (its about 220 kilometers from Utanede) SM3YKU/Håkan, from Järkvissle SM3BQC/Arne and from Sundsvall SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3ZBB/Lars and YL Agneta.
The Antennas
We checked the antennas and build and mounted 20 meter up a dipole fore 10 MHz.
The Amateur radio Equipment
We checked everything and worked very well.
Other activities
We cleaned the windows and updated a guest-information.
About 13.00 we went down to restaurant ”Terasspaviljongen” and we all chose chicken and rise. We were sitting outside and could look at the Thai Pavilion with all the gold which glittered in the sunshine.
De new owners of ”Holmstagården”, Siv and Reine Svensson, had dressed in national costume so we could take pictures for the website. They are in a hurry to have everything ready to May 15th, when they open up.
Youth Exchange
Åsa Steinsvik visited us. She is instructor for a youth exchange between youths in Sweden and Thailand. Ragunda municipality will be a host municipality in a youth exchange, Sweden World Youth Thailand (SWY) 2006.
Seven youths from Sweden and seven youths from Thailand will during three months live in Thailand and the next three months in Thailand.
We informed Åsa about our Visiting Amateur Radio Station in Ragunda and welcomed her and her youths to visit as during the time they all are in Ragunda.
We worked about 180 QSO´s.
Present during the phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Kungsgårdens Radio Club: SM3WMU/Tomas
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Unfortunately, it was a cold and cloudy day in Utanede this Thursday. It wasn’t so many visitors at the Thai Pavilion but for those who didn’t hesitate for the bad weather we showed Amateur Radio in “the White House the Thai pavilion area.
We also worked from the Visiting Amateur Radio Station and about 350 contacts we logged in our computer when we closed the station and went to our home QTH´s.
It was SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3FWT/Hans from Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs and SM3YKF/Kent and Anette from Sollefteå Radio Club who was in Utanede this day.
Contest team
The last weekend in May SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen worked the CQ WPX Contest on CW.
No special preparations were done for the contest. The goal was not to win instead they wanted to have fun. SM3CER/Janne worked the first QSO on Saturday at 09.30 local time
On Saturday SM3YKF/Kent and Anette visited the contesters and joined them during a lunch at Holmstagården.
The contest team worked until Sunday afternoon 18.00 local time and then they had 1.300 QSOs in the log, 550 prefixes and a final score of 1.380.000 points.
Early on Whitsun Eve, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3FJF/Jörgen went from Njurunda to Utanede.
During May we had been informed that the internet didn’t work. They were prepared for several hours of work but it was easy to fix. They found out that an electric contact in the entrance building to the Thai Pavilion had been drown out.
They worked some QSO´s and then they had excellent lunch at Holmstagården before they went home.
Present during the phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
To show amateur radio for visitors of the Chulalongkorn Memorial building we operated during four hours from "The White House" inside the Thai pavilion area with the call sign SI9AM.
It was SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik, SM3TIR/Sven Jemtlands Radio Amateurs, SK3JR and SM3YKF/Kent from Sollefteå Radio Club, SK3EK who was in the “White House”.
To Utanede
On Tuesday July 18, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla went from Sundsvall to Utanede to prepare for the “King Chulalongkorn Day” and for the demonstration of amateur radio inside the Thai Pavilion area. We arrives to Utanede about 12 o’clock local time.
A cup of coffee
We begin with a cup of coffee and discuss what things we need for the demonstration.
Dipole antenna
A dipole antenna for 145 MHz is mounted on about 6 meters height.
In the “White House”
In the “White House we arrange for the demonstration of amateur radio.
We have a contact on 14 MHz at 14.00 local time with HSØZDY/Svante in Bangkok to see how the propagations towards Thailand are. They are good and we hope that the propagations will be the same tomorrow when we have a sked with HSØAC.
The Swedish flag
When we mount the multiband antenna, Windom FD4, in the flag staff with the Swedish flag something happens. We have to put down the flag staff and make a little repair. Then we raise the flag staff again and hoist the Swedish flag.
Bunk bed
We fixed the bunk bed.
The antenna
We stretch some wires in the antenna mast. A wireless keyboard is also mounted.
Visit in Utanede
July 19, 1897, King Chulalongkorn of Siam (present-day Thailand) visited Sweden and Ragunda municipality. He had got an invitation from the Swedish/Norwegian King Oscar II to the International Art and Industry Fair in Stockholm and he accepted.
Northern Sweden
King Oscar also wanted him to see other parts of Sweden than Stockholm, and since the Swedish sawmill industry was interesting for King Chulalongkorn, he chose the middle part of northern Sweden. There was beautiful scenery with bright summer nights and impressive waterfalls. King Chulalongkorn was also interested in the modern Swedish traffic, both on water and on land. Memorial Building
Almost exactly one hundred year later, the construction of a memorial building in honor of the King was commenced.
Loved and admired King
In 1868, King Chulalongkorn ascended the throne of Siam. He was a loved and admired King, not least because he abolished slavery in his native country. King Chulalongkorn was the fifth king of his dynasty and was therefore called ”Rama V Chulalongkorn of Siam”.
Early morning
Already 08.30 local time we arrive to Utanede. Of course we must have a cup of coffee before we went down to the Thai Pavilion. We turn on the VHF- and the shortwave equipment’s. Now we are ready for the visitors.
At 09.55 local time the traditional procession to the statue of King Chulalongkorn starts. There is the governor of Jamtland County Ms. Maggi Mikaelsson, The Thai ambassador in Sweden Mr. Apichart Chinwanno and Deputy Permanent Secretary for Culture Mr. Vira Rojpojchanarat.
Lot of very beautiful flowers and gifts are put in front of to the statue of King Chulalongkorn. And then there was dance outside the Thai Pavilion.
”The White House”
During the day some hams visited us in “the White House” and many of the visitors in the park paid us a visit.
Celebrated visit at SI9AM
At 14.30 local time we got at celebrated visit at SI9AM. There were:
The Thai ambassador in Sweden, Mr. Apichart Chinawanno
The Deputy Permanent Secretary for Culture in Thailand Mr. Vira Rojpojchanarat
Minister Counsellor, Mr Thanavit Sinhaseni.
Senior Cultural Officer, External Relations Division, Mrs. Suttinee Yavaprapas,
Interior Designer, Fine Arts Department, Ms. Vimonrat Siriyuvasak,
The executive director of Ragunda Municipality, Anders Andersson
The president of SI9AM, SM3CVM/Lars gave a background for forming SI9AM while the vice president SM3FJF/Jörgen had a radio contact on på 14 MHz with
HSØAC, operator HS1CKC/Winit from the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) in Bangkok
HSØZDX Tony Waltham in Bangkok
HSØZDY Sam (Svante) Nordstroem in Bangkok
SM3FJF/Jörgen handed over the microphone to our guest who then had a radio contact with the Thai radio amateurs on their own language. It was a appreciated feature.
Our guest signed the guest book and got our beautiful QSL card and a pin.
SM3CVM/Lars, SM3UMW/Lars, SM3TIR/Sven from Jemtlands Radio Amateurs and SM3YKF/Kent from Sollefteå Radio Club was in "the White House" the whole day and demonstrated amateur radio for visitors in Thai Pavilion area.
Two hams who stayed in Utanede until Sunday visited us.
Their own beautiful pictures you can see on
Sunday morning
We (SM3BQC/Arne, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla) wanted to catch our guest operators SMØGNS/Peder and SM5HJZ/Jonas before they travelled on to Köpmanholmen so we arrived to Utanede at about nine a clock local time. Before we arrived, we had a QSO on 145.550 MHz with SI9AM to hear if SM0GNS/Peder and SM5HJZ/Jonas was awake. We also waked up SM5EUU/Kerstin and SM5BZL/Christer who hadn’t turned off their 2-meters station before they went to bed on Saturday.
Guided tour
Of course, Jonas and Peder wanted to have a guided tour around the park. The guide was Katarina Söderlund and she let them know how King Chulalongkorn travelled around in the northern part of Sweden and his visit in Utanede 1897. They were very impressed about Thai Pavilion building.
SM3BQC/Arne had baked two cakes and everyone who visited SI9AM this day thought it tasted excellent.
Some of the visitors
Some of the visitors this day were SM3XUK/Lennart and his son Thomas who had travelled from Järpen, SM3XKW/Anders SM3BWJ/Kristian from Kramfors and SM3FZL/Rolf and his son from Helgum.
Allgott and Villgott
In the afternoon we could see “Allgott and Villgott” a children cabaret outside the Thai Pavilion area. Both the child and their parents laughed a lot.
In the afternoon SM3HFD/Håkan and Karin from Kvissleby arrived and helped us to take down the antennas and move the radio equipment from the “White House”.
A trip in a canoe
In the evening you could see “Allgott and Willgott” paddling a canoe in the pond in front of the Thai Pavilion.
Present during the phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt
From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3DMP/Thomas
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Contest team
SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3NXS/Sten.
An extra radio equipment with a power amplifier and a G5RV was used during the contest. The antenna was mounted in a 20-meter-high flagstaff.
About 1500 QSOs.
"Chulalongkorn Day" or "Piyamaharaj Day", which they say in Thai, is celebrated on 23rd October of every year. It is the day when King Chulalongkorn, or King Rama V, died. King Rama V (1853-1910) was one of the most important kings in the past in Thailand. The most important thing he did was abolish slavery but he also did many other reforms in order to modernize the country.
King Rama V’s long reign of 42-years was a busy era of full-scale reform and the emergence of Thailand into the modern age. He learned the systems of Western Governments, made friends with major powers such as Britain, France, America and Russia and sent the royal children to be educated in the West. It seems he was prepared to learn from the West while at the same time, resisting domination by the major powers. Above all, he was the first Thai monarch who travelled widely: to neighboring countries in Asia and to Europe twice. Wherever he went, he was impressed by the hospitality and respect shown to him by the Royalty of the various countries.
His death on October 23, 1910 was a great loss to the entire nation as he was one of the most honored and beloved kings who were often called “Somdej Phra Piyamaharaj”. Moreover, Thai people also believed in the King’s miraculous power of bringing good luck and prosperity to the person who pays respect to him.
Also, in Utanede, in the Thai Pavilion they celebrated the memory of King Chulalongkorn on October 23. Lots of flowers and gifts were given to the statue of King Chulalongkorn.
Present during the boarding meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3ATX/Tore, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3DAL/Per-Ove and SM3EAE/Lars
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3EXM/Erik, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3ZBB/Lars and Emerenciana
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt and Tommy
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Contest team
SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3NXS/Sten.
An extra radio equipment with a power amplifier and a G5RV was used during the contest. The antenna was mounted in a 20 meter high flagstaff.
About 1825 QSOs.
For the first time we used Skype during our phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik and SM3TIR/Sven
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
The landowner was going to clear some of the trees around Holmstagården. We had three dipole antennas in the trees and we had to take them down. SM3BQC/Arne and SM3FJF/Jörgen did this work. SM3CER/Janne activated of course call SI9AM before we took down the antennas.
Now a lot of trees have been cleared and we put the dipole antennas back to some of trees that were left. SM3BQC/Arne, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen did this work. After that SM3CER/Janne work about 300 QSO:s.
We used Skype during our phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3EAE/Lars
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3LIV/Ulla och SM3ZBB/Lars
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
More than 40 hams, of which three were YL, met in Utanede this day. The third call-area in Sweden had their spring meeting and host was SI9AM. The meeting took place at Holmstagården. We started with coffee and sandwich.
The leader for the third call area SM3ZBB/Lars informed us about the new organization for the Swedish Amateur Radio Society, SSA. We took a break for a delicious lunch. In the afternoon, local societies in the third call-area informed us about their activities.
The next meeting will be held in Sollefteå in October.
SM3CVM/Lars, president of SI9AM, wished everyone welcome and presented an agenda that we accepted. To chairman for the annual meeting, we elected SM3CVM/Lars, to secretary we elected SM3ESX/Christer and we elected SM3EXM/Erik and SM3FJF/Jörgen to sign the minutes. SM3LIV/Ulla presented the annual report for 2006. Then some elections for the new council was made and then the meeting was closed and SM3CVM/Lars thanked all who had come.
During the ham radio exhibition in Handen, Stockholm, we show a computer presentation about SI9AM. We informed about the Visiting Amateur Radio Station in Utanede and handed over tourist information about Ragunda and the Thai Pavilion in Utanede.
The vice-president SM3FJF/Jörgen, the treasurer SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3WMU/Thomas and SM3ZBB/Lars represented us.
With great gratitude and pleasure, we received SSA´s scholarship for real enthusiast at SSA annual meeting in Stockholm April 15, 2007.
The president of SSA, SMØIMJ/Hans handed over the scholarship to the treasures in SI9AM, SM3LIV/Ulla and the vice president in SI9AM, SM3FJF/Jörgen.
The hams
SM3BFH/Sten-Åke, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3JVJ/Lars and SM3VLC/Tomas
Several hours of work
First to arrive to Holmstagården was SM3JVJ/Lars, who had brought an axe and a saw to clear up around the antenna. We were impressed how nice it was when he had finished after several hours of work.
Boarding meeting
When all of us had arrived, we started with a cup of coffee and then we had a boarding meeting until lunchtime. We had announced our arrival some days earlier to Reine (the restaurant owner). He had arranged so we could eat at Holmstagården. On the menu it was fired diced meat with onions and potatoes.
After lunch SM3HFD/Håkan, SM3CER/Janne and SM3VLC/Tomas worked with the computers and made some upgrades. Now we have internet on both computers.
New antenna
SM3BFH/Sten-Åke, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3FWT/Hans made arrangements for a new antenna.
Present during the meeting:
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3BFH/Sten-Åke, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3VLC/Tomas
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans and SM3HFD/Håkan
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
Contest team
SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3DMP/Tomas, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3NXS/Sten and SM3VLC/Tomas.
Multi operator, single transmitter, multi band and high power.
SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen met at SI9AM on Friday evening about eleven o’clock. They mounted two computers in a network so everyone could follow the traffic.
On Saturday SM3BQC/Arne and SM3VLC/Tomas came and on Sunday SM3DMP/Tomas and SM3NXS/Sten arrived. On Saturday SM3BQC/Arne and SM3FJF/Jörgen did some work with the antennas.
It was very bad conditions during all the contest so the 2011 QSOs in the log was not so bad.
We were five hams from Sundsvall who went to Utanede this day. We were going to show amateur radio inside the Thai pavilion area. About ten a’ clock local time we arrived to SI9AM.
Nice weather
It was a wonderful day; the sun was shining and there were only a little cloudy. Of course we started with a cup of coffee, sandwiches and a home baked cake before we started to arrange for the demonstration near the Thai Pavilion.
We were going to operate from the “White house”. SM3BQC/Arne and SM3FWT/Hans put up the antenna in the flag staff with the Swedish flag. SM3FJF/Jörgen had brought his own Kenwood TS-440. We had brochures about amateur radio.
“Indalsledensloppet 2007”
Every year there is a relay race along the river Indalsälven. You can choose to run 19,1, 40,9 or 107, 5 kilometers. One of changeover places was at Holmstagården. A music band was playing when the relay runner arrived.
“The White House”
We worked some QSOn from “the White House” and we had some visitors who asked a little about our hobby.
SM3CER/Jane worked from the visiting amateur radio and as usual there became a big pile-up.
We used Skype during our phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3TIR/Sven
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3LIV/Ulla och SM3ZBB/Lars
From Gullängets Radio club: SM3WMU/Tomas
From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3DMP/Thomas
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
The weather
During a long time, it has been a wonderful weather in the northern part of Sweden but on Friday July 06 it ended and became cloudy and rainy.
To Utanede
This morning it was about 12 degrees centigrade’ s and cloudy when we, SM3CER/Janne, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla, went to Utanede to demonstrate Amateur Radio in the Thai Pavilion area.
SI9AM rented
When we arrived to Utanede we first said hallo to our guest operator LAØB/Gudrun and LAØBX(TF5SJ)/Sigfus.
In “the White House”
Though it was bad weather we had a lot of visitors in “the White House”. This day we spared the room with Waew who makes and sells handmade jewelries.
In the end of the day, we did some work with the computers and then we had dinner at Holmstagården.
Visit in Utanede
July 19, 1897, King Chulalongkorn of Siam (present-day Thailand) visited Sweden and Ragunda municipality. He had got an invitation from the Swedish/Norwegian King Oscar II to the International Art and Industry Fair in Stockholm and he accepted.
Northern Sweden
King Oscar II also wanted him to see other parts of Sweden than Stockholm, and since the Swedish sawmill industry was interesting for King Chulalongkorn, he chose the middle part of northern Sweden. There was beautiful scenery with bright summer nights and impressive waterfalls. King Chulalongkorn was also interested in the modern Swedish traffic, both on water and on land.
Memorial Building
Almost exactly one hundred year later, the construction of a memorial building in honor of the King was commenced.
Loved and admired King
In 1868, King Chulalongkorn ascended the throne of Siam. He was a loved and admired King, not least because he abolished slavery in his native country. King Chulalongkorn was the fifth king of his dynasty and was therefore called ”Rama V Chulalongkorn of Siam”.
110 years anniversary of the Kings visit to Sweden and Ragunda
This weak it’s a Festival in Sollefteå, Ragunda, Bispgården, Utanede and in Sundsvall. It’s the way the King Chulalongkorn travelled in 1897 with king of Sweden Oscar II.
All days it was:
- Exhibition showing King Chulalongkorn´s trips to Europe
- Traditional Thai spa and massage
- Exhibition and sale of Thai and Swedish handicraft
- Thai Food Festival
- Demonstration of Thai handicraft
Some of the days there were:
- Hun Lakorn Lek - Puppet show at the main stage
- Sepak Tak Raw – foot volley ball at the open-air arena
- Traditional Thai dance by troupe from Prince of Songkhla University at the main stage
Outside the Thai Pavilion area there was a Thai Market.
Amateur Radio from the “White House”
We were invited to demonstrate Amateur Radio inside the Thai Pavilion area. During four days hams from SK3JR Jemtlands Radio Amateurs, SK3BG Sundsvalls Radio Amateurs and SK3EK Sollefteå Radio Club who demonstrate Amateur Radio for the visitors in the Thai Pavilion area.
Following hams worked during this days: SA3ASZ/Sören, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EFS/Lennart, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3FZL/Rolf, SM3IZR/Leif , SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3UMW/Lars, SM3VLC/Tomas, SM3VRG/Karl-Gunnar and SM3YKF/Kent.
The weather
During these days it has been different types of weather. On Wednesday it was cloudy and some rain. On Thursday it was very cold about 14 degrees centigrade’ s before lunch. In the afternoon it was about 16 degrees centigrade’ s. On Friday and Saturday, it was warmer.
Great interest
We noticed that there was a great interest to know more about our hobby from both young and old people, and a lot of women asked a lot of questions. Perhaps someone will become a ham.
Ministry of Culture
On Wednesday July 18, 2007 M. R. Grienggrai Sampatchalit, Ministry of Culture visited us in the “White House”. We were also glad to see Ms Phinranai Chotikanta again.
Famous puppet theatre
We were impressed of the famous puppet theatre from Hun Lakorn Lek. The first person controls the head and left hand of the puppet. The second person controls the movement of the puppet's feet according to the music. The third person controls the right hand of the puppet.
Dancer from Prins of Songkhla University showed us traditional folk dance from the northern and the southern part of Thailand.
Sepak Tak Raw
In front of the entrance we could see Sepak Tak Raw – a Thai foot volley ball game.
Guest operators
On July 19 to July 20 SM1DVV/Stefan and SM1OII/Harri were our guest at SI9AM.
We used Skype during our phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3TIR/Sven
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3LIV/Ulla och SM3EFS/Lennart
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3PZV/Bengt
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
After a request from our landlord Reine Svensson, who was one of the organizers of the Diggiloo-show, we had accepted to put up and pull down four tents and have a liaison commission between a HQ-station and liaisons operators on different places in the Thai pavilion area during the show.
Liaison Officer
Chief for this liaison commission was SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik, who has a long experience from this type of liaison commissions.
Starting meeting
At 10.30 local time we had our first meeting. We were 13 hams and it was decided that we should have three permanent stations. At these stations there should be a ham the whole time.
Permanent stations
The HQ-station was establish in ”the White House”. In the museum and at Holmstagården was the other two permanent stations. SM3CER/Janne, SM3FWT/Hans and SM3VRG/K-G began to cover these three stations.
All amateur radio traffic during this liaison commission was on 145.500 MHz. We had 2-meters hand portable transceivers and all of us were dressed in yellow waistcoats with the printed text “RADIO”.
From the HQ-station we had the full control of where everyone was located from time to time and we could call for everyone and ask them to go to another place where they were more needed.
Putting up
We put up the four tents. Two was located just opposite “the With House”, one to the left of the entrance building inside the Thai pavilion area and one on the parking place near the entrance building.
More hams
At 15.00 local time another four hams and three family members arrived and now the complete group of 20 persons was on place.
From 16.00 local time the admission to the Thai pavilion area started. At 18.00 local time the audience could take their seats.
New meeting
At 16.00 local time we had a new meeting. The schedule for the evening/night was presented.
The stage
During the whole show we had hams to right and the left of the stage.
Some of our tasks
Helping children to find their parents. Search for the guards and ask them to go to a place. Carry things from a place to another and so on.
The museum
At 19.30 local time we closed the permanent station at the Museum. No more activity was going to take place there.
Diving tower
For the children there was a diving tower and we had hams there to see that no children were heart.
At 20.00 local time we closed the permanent station. The hams were more needing in the Thai pavilion are.
Before the show ended
At 22.45 local time we had a meeting before the discuss what we had to do when the Diggiloo show ended.
Pull down
At 23.30 we started to pull down the tents and to close the HQ-station in “the White House”.
Thanks, and good night
At 00.30 local time we gather for the last time and sum up the day.
It was about 5.000 persons who had come to Utanede this day to see the Diggiloo-show.
Liaison operators
SA3ASZ/Sören, SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3CVM/Lars, SM3EAE/Lars, SM3EFS/Lennart, SM3FJF/Jörgen, SM3FWT/Hans, SM3IZR/Leif, SM3LIV/Ulla, SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik, SM3VRG/K-G, SM3WUA/Kent, SM3XCG/Inga-Lena, SM3YKF/Kent, SM3YNI/Lie, SM3YRG/Kerstin, Anette, Karin and Ursula
On the photo you see OZ7AGR Inger one av all YLs who visited SI9AM.
We used Skype during our phone meeting.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars and SM3SZW/Sven-Henrik
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
In the end of August, they started the preparations for the contest and invited hams to join them. Some hams thought is should fun to work from SI9AM but of different reasons they couldn’t make it.
The contest team
Finally, it was SM3BQC/Arne, SM3CER/Janne, SM3EAE/Lars and SM3FJF/Jörgen who joined the contest team.
SM3FJF/Jörgen had been on a business trip to Stockholm, and arrived to Sundsvall with the train around 20.00 local time on Friday, September 14. A taxi took him home and he immediately started to pack the car with a Kenwood TS-850 AT transceiver, a power amplifier Heathkit SB-200, computers and food. The radio equipment should be used as a multiplier station. SM3CER/Janne was picked up about 22.00 and he brought his G5RV antenna. At 24.00 they arrived to Holmstagården and SI9AM.
A handwritten note
When they went in to their room at Holmstagården they found a hand written note “GOOD CONTEST GUYS” and a queen cake who Tobbe, the cook, at Holmstagården had made to them.
3B7C – St Brandon
Of course, they started to eat the cake before they began to arrange for the contest. SM3CER/Janne listened for 3B7C – St Brandon, on 7 MHz and after some call they managed to contact them. When they started the computers, they didn’t have any internet connection, so they had to solve to problem on Saturday. SM3FJF/Jörgen had started the day early so he went to bed but SM3CER/Janne operated to 04.30.
Totally quit
At 09.00 on Saturday, they started to connect the multiplier station and now SM3EAE/Lars and SM3BQC/Arne had arrived to Utanede. When they were testing the Kenwood station it was totally quit, something has happened. What to do? SM3BQC/Arne said that they could borrow his equipment. The had to take a trip to Järkvissle, about 30 minutes from Utanede to fetch it.
The newspaper – “Östersunds Posten”
A reporter from Östersunds Posten called and wanted to know what they we going to do during the weekend in Utanede. SM3FJF/Jörgen told her a little and she found it interesting and decided to make a trip from Östersund to Utanede to see and hear more about it.
No internet connection
At 13.00 we are back after the trip to Järkvissle but still they didn’t have any internet connection. They manage to get in contact with Katarina who works at Thai Pavilion and she found a switch which was off instead of on. Now the time was some minutes before 14.00 local time (12.00 UTC) and now everything was working. During the first hour of the contest we work 140 QSO:s.
The interview
In the afternoon Katarina Franck from ”Östersunds Posten” arrived and SM3FJF/Jörgen showed her the Visiting Amateur Radio Station, told her about Amateur radio and explained how they works a contest. During the whole interview SM3EAE/Lars worked in the contest.
During the contest they compare the number of QSO:s with the contest last year. In 2006 they reached 1.543 QSO:s. When the contest was over they had worked 1.542 QSO:s, one less than last year, but it was 23 multipliers fewer than last year.
The traditional photo
After the contest they took the traditional photo and then they started to pack the equipment, clean the room and then they went home.
Read in the newspaper
On Monday we could read the interview in the newspaper.
From Jemtlands Radio amateurs: SM3CVM/Lars. SM3EAE/Lars and SM3TIR/Sven
From Sundsvalls Radio amateurs: SM3BQC/Arne, SM3ESX/Christer, SM3FJF/Jörgen and SM3LIV/Ulla
From Sollefteå Radio club: SM3GHE/Nils
From Ådalens Radio amateurs: SM3XKW/Anders
During the meeting following was discussed/reported:
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